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 강성희 증명사진 교수님

감염내과 강성희 교수

환자의 마음을 따뜻하게 어루만지는 의사

전문분야 불명열, 열성질환, 성인예방접종

의료진/진료일정 - 월,화,수,목,금,토,일로 구성된 표입니다.
오전 진료 진료 진료 진료
오후 진료 진료  
  • 출장:2025-02-21~2025-02-21

학회및 출장등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.


학력 및 경력


  • 2014.03 ~ 고려대학교 의학과 박사
  • 2005.03~2009.02 건국대학교 의학과 석사
  • 1999.03~2004.02 한국과학기술원 생명과학과 학사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 감염내과장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 감염관리실장
  • 2014.03~2014.12 고려대 구로병원 전임의
  • 2010.03~2014.02 건국대병원 레지던트
  • 2009.03~2010.02 건국대병원 인턴



  • 2022.08Collection and detection of SARS-CoV-2 in exhaled breath using face mask [PLOS ONE]
  • 2022.03Persistent serotype 3 and 19A invasive pneumococcal diseases in adults in vaccine era: Serotype-dependent difference in ceftriaxone susceptibility [Vaccine]
  • 2020.06Prevalence of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms and Risk Factors for Carriage among Patients Transferred from Long-Term Care Facilities [Infection and Chemotherapy]
  • 2019.04Direct effectiveness of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease and non-bacterial pneumococcal pneumonia in elderly population in the era of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine : A case-control study [Vaccine]
  • 2018.12Immunogenicity and safety of a tetanus-diphtheria vaccine and a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine after concomitant vaccination in >= 50-year-old adults [BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES]
  • 2018.02Hospital-based Influenza Morbidity and Mortality (HIMM) Surveillance for A/H7N9 Influenza Virus Infection in Returning Travelers [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2017.12스코폴라민으로 기억손상을 일으킨 알츠하이머 동물모델에서Choline Alfoscerate와 Memantine의 기억력 개선 효과 [약 학 회 지]
  • 2017.05Campylobacter jejuni Bacteremia in a Liver CirrhosisPatient and Review of Literature: A Case Study [Infection and chemotherapy]
  • 2017.03Dengue-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in an adult: A case report and literature review (vol 96, 2016) [MEDICINE]
  • 2016.12Analysis of Risk Factors for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia and among Adult Patients with Acute Respiratory Illness during 2011-2014 Influenza Seasons in Korea [INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY]
  • 2016.07Perceptions of influenza vaccination during pregnancy in Korean womenof childbearing age [Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics]
  • 2016.06Viral shedding from diverse body fluids in a patient with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome [JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY]
  • 2016.05Perception and Attitudes of Korean Obstetricians about Maternal Influenza Vaccination [Journal of Korean medical science.]
  • 2015.9.6Clinical features of lung adenocarcinomas with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and miliary disseminated carcinomatosis. [Thoracic cancer]
  • 2015.5.14dinfluenza vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharidevaccine administration in older adults. [Vaccine]
  • 2015.10.8Risk Evaluation of Pneumonia and Modified SARI among Patients with Acute Respiratory Illness [ID week]
 강성희 교수님