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학력 및 경력


  • 2016.03~2019.02 성균관대학교 의학과 박사
  • 2013.09~2015.08 고려대학교 의학과 석사
  • 2004.03~2008.02 계명대학교 의학과 학사
  • 1998.03~2003.08 연세대학교 수학과 학사


  • 2023.7~2023.8 국립암센터(일산) 자궁암센터 단기연수
  • 2021.03~현재 건양대학교 의과대학 산부인과 부교수
  • 2021.09~2023.12 건양대학교병원 산부인과장
  • 2015.03~2021.02 건양대학교 의과대학 산부인과 조교수
  • 2013.03~2015.02 삼성서울병원 산부인과 부인종양학 전임의
  • 2009.03~2013.02 삼성서울병원 산부인과 전공의


  • 2025.01~현재 대한골반통학회 윤리위원장
  • 2024.12~현재 대한부인종양학회 국제교류위원회 위원
  • 2024.07~현재 대한비뇨부인과학회 윤리위원장
  • 2024.01~현재 대한산부인과로봇수술학회 웨비나, 저널 소위원회 위원장
  • 2024.01~현재 아시아산부인과로봇수술학회(ASGRS) 학술위원, 대한단일공수술학회 학술이사
  • 2023.11~현재 대한산부인과학회 학술TFT위원(일반부인과)
  • 2023.01~2024.12 대한산부인과 내시경학회 재무위원, 자문위원(비뇨부인과학)
  • 2022.12~2024.12 대한부인종양학회 윤리위원
  • 2021.12~2023.12 대한산부인과학회 국제협력위원회 위원
  • 2021.05~2024.12 대한골반통학회 교육위원장
  • 2019.03~2020.02 대한산부인과내시경학회 수련위원


  • 2024.7Surgical treatment of enlarged cervical leiomyoma with concomitant uterine prolpase: a case report [Journal of clinical medicine 2024,13,4210]
  • 2024.3Regularity of cervical cancer screening in Korea: analysis using national public data for 12 years [Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2024 Mar;35(2):e18]
  • 2024.3Major clinical research advances in gynecologic cancer in 2023: a tumultuous year of endometrial cancer [Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2024 Mar;35(2):e66]
  • 2024.11IL-17 producing T to Foxp3+ CD4+ regulatory T cell ratio as a diagnosis and prognostic marker in women with RPL and its implication for IV IgG therapy [American Journal of reproductive immunology. 2024 NOV;92(5)]
  • 2023.10Exosomal miR-205-5p improves endometrial receptivity by upregulating E-cadherin expression through ZEB1 inhibition [International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023,24(20),151]
  • 2023.03Robotic sacrocolpopexy with nerve sparing dissection technique [Gynecologic Robotic Surgery 2023;4(1):26-27]
  • 2022.11Impairment of Decidualization of Endometrial Stromal Cells by hsa-miR-375 Through NOX4 Targeting [REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES 2022 Nov;29(11):3212-3221]
  • 2022.10The miR-182-5p/NDRG1 Axis Controls Endometrial Receptivity through the NF-κB/ZEB1/E-Cadherin Pathway [International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 Oct 14;23(2]
  • 2022.07SIRT1 suppresses in vitro decidualization of human endometrial stromalcells through the downregulation of forkhead box O1 expression [Reproductive Biology 2022 Sep;22(3):100672]
  • 2021.06Transcriptomic analysis and competing endogenous RNA network in the human and endometrium between proliferative and mid-secretory phase [Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2021 Jun;21(6):660]
  • 2020.06Is Lactobacillus Gram-Positive? A case Study of Lactobacillus iners [Microorganism. 2020 Jun 29;8(7)969]
  • 2020배꼽단일공 복강경 수술이후 발생한 배꼽 탈장에 대한 10년 추적 관찰 연구 결과 Incisional hernia after 2498 single‑port access (SPA) gynecologic surgery over a 10-year period [Scientific Reports 2020 (1); 17388]
  • 2020질내 락토바실러스 이너스 균주에 대한 유전체 분석 Complete Genome of Lactobacillus iners KY Using Flongle Provides Insight Into the Genetic Background of Optimal Adaption to Vaginal Econiche. [Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020 May 26;11;1048]
  • 2020상피성 난소암에서 Axitinib 치료의 전임상 연구 Preclinical assessment of the VEGFR inhibitor axitinib as a therapeutic agent for epithelial ovarian cancer. [Scientific Reports. 2020 Mar 17;10(1);4904]
  • 2017.08Activation of NOD-1/JNK/IL-8 signal axis in decidual stromal cells facilitates trophoblast invasion [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY]
  • 2017.01Single port access laparoscopic surgery for large adnexal tumors: Initial 51 cases of a single institute [Obstetrics & Gynecology Science]
  • 2016후복막 절개를 통한 배꼽 단일공 자궁절제술 Retroperitoneal approach in single-port laparoscopic hysterectomy. [JSLS 2016;20(2)]
  • 2016Enseal을 이용한 후복막 접근의 배꼽 단일공 자궁절제술 Single-Port Retroperitoneal Hysterectomy with Enseal. [JLAST B (Videoscopy) 2016 July; 26(4)]
  • 2015.7자궁근종 및 자궁선근증 치료를 위한 복강경 자궁절제술에서 배꼽단일경 수술과 기존의 복강경 수술의 성공률 비교(다기관 전향적 연구) - Multi-institution, Prospective, Randomized Trial to Compare the Success Rates of Single-port Versus Multiport Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for the Treatment of Uterine Myoma of Adenomyosis [Journal of minimally invasive gynecology]
  • 2015.11배꼽단일공 복강경하 자궁근종 절제술과 기존의 복강경하 자궁 근종 절제술의 비교(다기관 전향적 연구) - Laparoendoscopic single-site myomectomy compared with conventional laparoscopic myomectomy: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial [Fertility and Sterility]
  • 2015.11Laparoendoscopic single-site myomectomy compared with conventional laparoscopic myomectomy: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. [FERTILITY AND STERILITY]
  • 2015.07Multi-institution, Prospective, Randomized Trial to Comparethe Success Rates of Single-port Versus MultiportLaparoscopic Hysterectomy for the Treatment of UterineMyoma or Adenomyosis [JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY]
  • 2014.10자궁경부암 환자에서 복강경 근치적 자궁절제술과 로봇을 이용한 근치적 자궁절제술의 비교 - Robotic versus laparoscopic radical hysterectomy in cervical cancer patients: a matched-case comparative stydy [International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer]
  • 2014.07암 환자의 생존기간 연장과 관련하여 beta-blocker의 효과에 대한 메타연구 - Meta-analysis of the effects of beta blocker on survival time in cancer patients [Journal of Cancer research and Clinical Oncology]
  • 2014.07Surgical Outcomes of a New Approach to Laparoscopic Myomectomy: Single-Port and Modified Suture Technique [JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY]
  • 2014.07Meta-analysis of the effects of beta blocker on survival time in cancer patients [JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY]
  • 2014.07Hemo-Lock을 이용한 배꼽 단일공 복강경 근종 절제술의 수술 결과 분석 - Surgical outcomes of a new approach to laparoscopic myomectomy : single-port and modified suture technique [Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology]
  • 2014.05후복막 절개를 통한 배꼽 단일경 자궁 절제술은 가능한가? 27예를 통한 결과 분석 - Is laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) retroperitoneal hysterectomy feasible? : Surgical outcomes of initial 27 cases [Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology]
  • 2014.01자궁내막암의 뼈 전이 - Bone metastasis in primary endometrial carcinoma: features, outcomes and predictors [International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer]
  • 2014.01Bone Metastasis in Primary Endometrial Carcinoma Features, Outcomes, and Predictors [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER]
  • 2013.01Hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary without staining for alpha-fetoprotein [Obstetrics and Gynecology Science]
  • 2012.08난소의 미성숙 기형종의 뼈전이로 인한 대퇴골 골절 - A case of pathologic fracture of the proximal femur resulting from metastatic bone tumor of ovarian immature teratoma [Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology]
  • 2012.05유증상 자궁 근종 여성에서 복강경하 근종 절제술과 최소절개를 통한 복강경하 자궁절제술의 비교 - Perioperative comparisons of the laparoscopic myomectomy and laparoscopically assisted myomectomy in women with symptomatic uterine myoma [Korean Journal of gynecologic endoscopic minimally invasive]
  • 2011.01Myxoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the ovary [International Journal of Clinical Oncology]
 김태현 교수님