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  • 1995.03~1998.08 계명대학교 의학과 박사
  • 1992.09~1994.08 계명대학교 의학과 석사
  • 1985.03~1991.02 계명대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2022.01~현재 건양대학교 의무부총장 겸 의료원장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 심장내과 교수
  • 급성심근경색 사망률 낮은병원 전국 3위(보건복지부)
  • 세계인명사전 마르퀴즈 후즈후 10년 연속 등재
  • 심장질환 국제서적 발간(대표저자) springer출판사
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  • 2015 심장부정맥 의학서적 발간(springer출판사)


  • 2020.04~2022.06 대한심혈관중재학회 비상임이사
  • 2019~2022 대한심장학회 연구이사
  • 2018~2021 대한심혈관 중재학회 기획이사
  • 대한심장학회 간행위원, 총무보, 홍보위원, 연구위원, 대외협력위원
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  • 중재시술인증의 심초음파 인증의, 미국심장학회 정회원(FACC)
  • 아시아태평양중재시술인증의(FAPSIC), 미국중재시술회원
  • 아시아태평양부정맥시술회원(FHRS)
  • 150편 이상 논문 출판(SCI 80편 이상), 국제학술대회 100회 이상 강연
  • 미국 메이요클리닉 연수


  • 2021.06Ten-year clinical outcomes in patients with intermediate coronary stenosis according to the combined culprit lesion [CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2021.05Toxocariasis-associated acute perimyocarditis with cardiogenic shock: A case report [American Journal of Case Reports]
  • 2020.12Predictors for high risk carotid plaque in asymptomatic Korean population [Cardiovascular Therapeutics]
  • 2020.12Efficacy and Safety of dual drug-elutinf stents for de novo coronary lesions in South Korea-The EFFECT Trial [Journal of Clinical Medicine]
  • 2020.08Effect of Genotype-Guided Oral P2Y12 Inhibitor Selection vs Conventional Clopidogrel Therapy on Ischemic Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary InterventionThe TAILOR-PCI Randomized Clinical Trial [JAMA]
  • 2020.04Design and rationale of a randomized control trial testing the effectiveness of combined therapy with STAtin plus FENOfibrate and statin alone in non-diabetic, combined dyslipidemia patients with non-intervened intermediate coronary artery disease-STAFENO study [TRIALS]
  • 2019.08Long-term clinical outcomes in patients with untreated non-culprit intermediate coronary lesion and evaluation of predictors by using virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound; a prospective cohort study [BMC Cardiovascular Disorder]
  • 2019.06Ten-year clinical outcomes of an intermediate coronary lesion; prognosis and predictors of major adverse cardiovascular events [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2018.02Impact of different antihypertensives on carotid arterial wall thickness [JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION]
  • 2018.01Rationale of decreasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol below 70 mg/dL in patients with coronary artery disease: A retrospective virtual histology. Intravascular ultrasound study. [CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL]
  • 2017.10In-stent restenosis-prone coronary plaque composition: A retrospective virtual histology-intravascular ultrasound study [CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL]
  • 2017.07Efficacy and safety of pitavastatins in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Livalo in Acute Myocardial Infarction Study (LAMIS) II [KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE]
  • 2017.06Body mass index, carotid plaque, and clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease [CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE]
  • 2017.01Relationship between time to treatment and mortality among patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention according to Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry [JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2016.12The changes of individual carotid artery wall layer by aging and carotid intima-media thickness value for high risk [CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPEUTICS]
  • 2016.12Clinical outcome of statin plus ezetimibe versus high-intensity statin therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction propensity-score matching analysis [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2016.10Clinical impact of immediate invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2016.06Comparison of 2-year clinical outcomes between diabetic versus nondiabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction after 1-month stabilization: Analysis of the prospective registry of DIAMOND (DIabetic acute myocardial infarctiON Disease) in Korea: an observational registry study [MEDICINE]
  • 2016.01Analysis of Plaque Composition in Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion Using Virtual Histology-Intravascular Ultrasound [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2015.01.05Analysis of Carotid Ultrasound Findings on Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease during Seven-Year Follow-Up [KOREAN SOC CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.10.20One-year clinical outcomes of everolimus- versus sirolimus-elutingstents in patients with acute myocardial infarction [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD]
  • 2014.10.01Efficacy and Safety of 30-Mg Fimasartan for the Treatment of Patients With Mild to Moderate Hypertension: An 8-Week, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III Clinical Study [ELSEVIER]
  • 2014.10.01Efficacy and Tolerability of Amlodipine Camsylate/Losartan 5/100-mg Versus Losartan/Hydrochlorothiazide 100/12.5-mg Fixed-Dose Combination in Hypertensive Patients Nonresponsive to Losartan 100-mg Monotherapy [ELSEVIER]
  • 2014.10Efficacy and Tolerability of Amlodipine Camsylate/Losartan 5/100-mg Versus Losartan/Hydrochlorothiazide 100/12.5-mg Fixed-Dose Combination in Hypertensive Patients Nonresponsive to Losartan 100-mg Monotherapy [CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS]
  • 2014.10One-year clinical outcomes of everolimus- versus sirolimus-elutingstents in patients with acute myocardial infarction [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.10Efficacy and Safety of 30-Mg Fimasartan for the Treatment of Patients With Mild to Moderate Hypertension: An 8-Week, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III Clinical Study [CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS]
  • 2014.09.18Impact of low level of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol sampled in overnight fasting state on the clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (difference between ST-segment and non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction) [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD]
  • 2014.09.10Efficacy of two different self-expanding nitinol stents for atherosclerotic femoropopliteal arterial disease (SENS-FP trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial [Springer]
  • 2014.09Efficacy of two different self-expanding nitinol stents for atherosclerotic femoropopliteal arterial disease (SENS-FP trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial [Trials]
  • 2014.09Impact of low level of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol sampled in overnight fasting state on the clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (difference between ST-segment and non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction) [JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.08.05[Correspondence] Response to Letters Regarding Article, "Ischemic Postconditioning During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The Effects of Postconditioning on Myocardial Reperfusion in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (POST) Randomized Trial" [LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS]
  • 2014.08[Correspondence] Response to Letters Regarding Article, "Ischemic Postconditioning During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The Effects of Postconditioning on Myocardial Reperfusion in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (POST) Randomized Trial" [CIRCULATION]
  • 2014.07.15One-year clinical impact of cardiac arrest in patients with first onset acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD]
  • 2014.07.01CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc scoring system as an initial method for screening high-risk patients in acute myocardial infarction [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD]
  • 2014.07.01Efficacy of Early Intensive Rosuvastatin Therapy in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (ROSEMARY Study) [EXCERPTA MEDICA INC-ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC]
  • 2014.07Efficacy of Early Intensive Rosuvastatin Therapy in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (ROSEMARY Study) [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.07One-year clinical impact of cardiac arrest in patients with first onset acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.07CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc scoring system as an initial method for screening high-risk patients in acute myocardial infarction [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2014.06.01Cilostazol Eliminates Adverse Smoking Outcome in Patients With Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation-Analysis of Longer-Term Follow-up of the CILON-T Randomized Trial [JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOC]
  • 2014.06Cilostazol Eliminates Adverse Smoking Outcome in Patients With Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation-Analysis of Longer-Term Follow-up of the CILON-T Randomized Trial [CIRCULATION JOURNAL]
  • 2014.01.27SUrvey of Guideline Adherence for Treatment of Systolic Heart Failure in Real World (SUGAR): A Multi-Center, Retrospective, Observational Study [PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE]
  • 2014.01comparative assessment of angiotensin ii type 1 receptor blockers in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction : surmountable vs. insurmountable antagonist [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2014.01SUrvey of Guideline Adherence for Treatment of Systolic Heart Failure in Real World (SUGAR): A Multi-Center, Retrospective, Observational Study [PLOS ONE]
  • 2014.01Comparative assessment of angiotensin ii type 1 receptor blockers in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction: surmountable vs. insurmountable antagonist [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2013.11A prospective, randomized comparison of promus everolimus-eluting and TAXUS Liberte paclitaxel-eluting stent systems in patients with coronary artery disease eligible for PCI: the PROMISE study. [J Korean Med Sci]
  • 2013.10Ischemic postconditioning during primary percutaneous coronary intervention POST randomized trial [Circulation]
  • 2013.10A prospective, randomized comparison of promus everolimus-eluting and TAXUS Liberte paclitaxel-eluting stent systems in patients with coronary artery disease eligible for percutaneous coronary intervention: the PROMISE study. [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2013.10Ischemic postconditioning during primary percutaneous coronary intervention: the effects of postconditioning on myocardial reperfusion in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (POST) randomized trial [CIRCULATION]
  • 2013.10Relationship Between Statin Type and Responsiveness to Clopidogrel in Patients Treated with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Subgroup Analysis of the CILON-T Trial [JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS]
  • 2013.10Relationship Between Statin Type and Responsiveness to Clopidogrel in Patients Treated wi Percutaneous Coronary Intervention : A Subgroup Analysis of the CILON-T Trial [J Atheroscler Thromb]
  • 2013.09Comparison of clinical outcomes between octogenarians and non-octogenarians with acute myocardial infarction in the drug-eluting stent era [JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2013.08One-Year Clinical Outcomes among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Acute Myocardial Infarction [Korean Circ J]
  • 2013.08One-Year Clinical Outcomes among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Acute Myocardial Infarction [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2013.06Impact of plaque composition on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery occlusive disease [Korean Circ J]
  • 2013.05Comparison of clinical outcomes between octogenarians and non-octogenarians with acute myocardial infarction in the drug-eluting stent era : analysis of the Korean Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry [J Cardiol]
  • 2013.05Randomized trial comparing the efficacy between different types of paclitaxel-eluting stents: The comparison of efficacy between coroflex please and taxus stent (ECO-PLEASANT) randomized controlled trial [American Heart Journal]
  • 2013.03The impact of glucose control on coronary plaque composition in patients with diabetes mellitus [JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2013.02Effect of early statin treatment in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction [Korean Circ. J]
  • 2013.01Hypercholesterolemia and in-vivo coronary plaque composition in patients with coronary artery disease: a virtual histology - intravascular ultrasound study. [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2013Randomized trial comparing the efficacy between different types of PES [American Heart Journal]
  • 2012.12Comparison of Drug-Eluting Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease [The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine]
  • 2012.12Comparison of infarct-related artery vs multivessel revascularization in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with multivessel disease []
  • 2012.11Safety and efficacy of overlapping homogenous drug-eluting stents in patients with acute myocardial infarction: results from Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry. [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2012.11Effects of Celecoxib On Restenosis after Coronary Intervention and Evolution of Atherosclerosis (Mini-COREA) Trial: celecoxib, a double-edged sword for patients with angina. [Eur Heart J.]
  • 2012.11Benefit of percutaneous coronary intervention in early latecomers with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2012.11Positive Vascular Remodeling in Culprit Coronary Lesion is Associated With Plaque Composition: An Intravascular Ultrasound-Virtual Histology Study. [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2012.10Triple vs. dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction and renal dysfunction [CIRCULATION JOURNAL]
  • 2012.10Comparison of resolute zotarolimus-eluting stents and sirolimus-eluting stents in patients with de novo long coronary artery lesions: a randomized LONG-DES IV trial. [Circ Cardiovasc Interv]
  • 2012.10Prasugrel versus clopidogrel for acute coronary syndromes without revascularization [N Engl J Med.]
  • 2012.09Unrestricted use of 2 new-generation drug-eluting stents in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a propensity score-matched analysis [JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS]
  • 2012.07`Smoker`s paradox` in young patients with acute myocardial infarction. [Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol]
  • 2012.07Discrepancy of calcium detection between gray scale intravascular ultrasound and spectral analysis of radiofrequency data [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2012.06Different impact of diabetes mellitus on in-hospital and 1-year mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction who underwent successful percutaneous coronary intervention [The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine]
  • 2012.06Effect of single or dual blockade of renin-angiotensin system in acute myocardial infarction patients according to renal function [Int J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.06Effectiveness of statin therapy for elderly acute myocardial infarction patients with normal levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [Int J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.06Effect of pitavastatin treatment on changes of plaque volume and composition according to the reduction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels [J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.06Apixaban compared with warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation and previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a subgroup analysis of the ARISTOTLE trial. [Lancet Neurol.]
  • 2012.06Impact of total occlusion of an infarct-related artery on long-term mortality in acute non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients who underwent early percutaneous coronary intervention. [Int Heart J.]
  • 2012.06Outcomes after unrestricted use of everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting stents in routine clinical practice: a multicenter, prospective cohort study. [Circ Cardiovasc Interv.]
  • 2012.05Renal dysfunction as a risk factor for painless myocardial infarction: results from Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry. [CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2012.05Comparison of 5-year clinical outcomes between sirolimus-versus paclitaxel-eluting stent: Korean multicenter network analysis of 9000-patient cohort. [Circ Cardiovasc Interv.]
  • 2012.05Additive impact of diabetes mellitus on patients with metabolic syndrome and acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention [Int J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.05Can Pulse Pressure Predict the White-Coat Effect in Treated Hypertensive Patients? [Clin Exp Hypertens.]
  • 2012.05Efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid supplements (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease [ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE]
  • 2012.03Efficacy and tolerability of fimasartan, a new angiotensin receptor blocker, compared with losartan (50/100 mg): [CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS]
  • 2012.02Evaluation of short-term safety and efficacy of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in hypercholesterolemic patients with elevated serum alanine transaminase concentrations [J Clin Lipidol.]
  • 2012.02Clinical impact of thrombus aspiration during primary percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry. [J Cardiol]
  • 2012.02Apixaban versus aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation and previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a predefined subgroup analysis from AVERROES, a randomised trial. [LANCET NEUROLOGY]
  • 2012.02Effect on short- and long-term major adverse cardiac events of statin treatment in patients with acute myocardial infarction and renal dysfunction. [Am J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.01Percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stent implantation vs. [CIRCULATION JOURNAL]
  • 2012.01Low molecular weight heparin versus unfractionated heparin in patients with acute non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents. [J Cardiol.]
  • 2012.01Relation of ruptured plaque culprit lesion phenotype and outcomes in patients with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY]
  • 2012.01Fibro-Fatty Component is Important for the Long-Term Clinical Events in Patients Who Have Undergone Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. [Korean Circ J]
  • 2012Comparison of outcomes of patients with painless versus painful ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. [Am J Cardiol]
  • 2011Morning hypertension in treated hypertensives: baseline characteristics and clinical implications [Korean Circ J.]
  • 2011Apixaban in patients with atrial fibrillation. [NEJM]
  • 2011Hospital Discharge Risk Score System for the Assessment of Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction [AJC]
  • 2011Clinical outcomes of acute myocardial infarction with occluded left circumflex artery [Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2011Dyslipidemia, low left ventricular ejection fraction and high wall motion score index are predictors of progressive left ventricular dilatation after acute myocardial infarction [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2011Multicenter Randomized Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Cilostazol on Ischemic Vascular Complications After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation for Coronary Heart Disease [J Am Coll Cardiol]
  • 2011Relation of ruptured plaque culprit lesion phenotype and outcomes in patients with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. [Am J Cardiol]
  • 2011Carotid plaque is associated with increased cardiac mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. [Int J Cardiol.]
  • 2011Concomitant renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus as prognostic factors for acute myocardial infarction. [Cardiovasc Diabetol]
  • 2011Drug-eluting vs. bare-metal stents for treatment of acute myocardial infarction with renal insufficiency [Circ J.]
  • 2011Benefit of early statin therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction who have extremely low low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. [J Am Coll Cardiol]
  • 2011Long-term safety and efficacy of Pitavastatin in patients with acute myocardial infarction (from the Livalo Acute Myocardial Infarction Study [LAMIS]) [Am J Cardiol]
  • 2011Inhibitory interaction between calcium channel blocker and clopidogrel. -Efficacy of cilostazol to overcome it-. [Circ J]
  • 2011Comparison of paclitaxel-, sirolimus-, and zotarolimus-eluting stents in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and metabolic syndrome. [Circ J]
  • 2011Management of non-ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction in patients with chronic kidney disease [Am J Cardiol]
  • 2011Role of intravascular ultrasound in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. [Am J Cardiol]
  • 2011Intervention in calcified and tortuous lesion. [Proceedings in Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology]
  • 2011Standard versus high loading doses of clopidogrel in Asian ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention [American Heart Journal]
  • 2010Relationship between obesity and N-terminal brain natriuretic Peptide level as a prognostic value after acute myocardial infarction [Korean Circ J]
  • 2010Paclitaxel- Versus Sirolimus-Eluting Stents for Treatment of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction []
  • 2010Impact of the Metabolic Syndrome on the Clinical Outcome of Patients with Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction [J Korean Med Sci.]
  • 2010Interventional approach for treatment of instent restenosis [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2010Are Metabolic Risk Factors and Target Organ Damage More Frequent [Clinical and Experimental Hypertension]
  • 2010Detection of Masked Hypertension and the ‘Mask Effect’ in patietns with well controlled office blood pressure [Circulation Journal]
  • 2010Clinical benefit of low molecular weight heprain for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary PCI with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor [J Korean Med Sci]
  • 2010A Multicenter, Eight-Week Treatment, Single-Step Titration, Open-Label Study Assessing the Percentage of Korean Dyslipidemic Patients [Cardiovasc Drugs Ther]
  • 2010Low-molecular-weight heparin versus unfractionated heparin in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients [American Heart Journal]
  • 2010Comparison of Outcomes Between Zotarolimus- and Sirolimus-Eluting Stents in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction [American Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2010Long-Term clinical outcomes according to initial management and thrombolysis in myocardial infarction risk score [Yonsei Med J]
  • 2010Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, Not Carotid Plaque, is Associated With Large Territory Cerebral Infarction in Patients With Ischemic Stroke [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2010Diabetes, insulin resistance and atherosclerosis surrogates in patients with coronary atherosclerosis [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2010What is optimal revascularization strategy in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction? Multivessel or culprit-only revascularization [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2010A new risk score system for the assessment of clinical outcomes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2010Low-dose vs standard-dose unfractionated heparin for percutaneous coronary intervention in acute coronary syndromes treated with fondaparinux: the FUTURA/OASIS-8 randomized trial. [JAMA]
  • 2010Study design and rationale of 'Influence of Cilostazol-based triple anti-platelet therapy on ischemic complication after drug-eluting stent implantation (CILON-T)' study [Trials]
  • 2009Comparison of three-year clinical outcomes between sirolimus-versus paclitaxel-eluting stents in diabetic patients: Prospective randomized multicenter trial [Catheter Cardiovasc Interv]
  • 2009Multicenter assessment of coronary allograft vasculopathy by intravascular ultrasound-derived analysis of plaque composition. [Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med]
  • 2009Inflammatory burden of cardiac allograft coronary atherosclerotic plaque is associated with early recurrent cellular rejection and predicts a higher risk of vasculopathy progression. [J Am Coll Cardiol]
  • 2009Segmental Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Minimal Atherosclerosis is Associated With Necrotic Core Plaques [Heart]
  • 2009Triple Versus Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [Circulation]
  • 2009A new risk score system for the assessment of clinical outcomes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2009Prevalence and significance of carotid plaque in patients with coronary atherosclerosis [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2009Clinical effects of hypertension on the mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction [Journal of Korean Mediacl Science]
  • 2009Efficacies of the new paclitaxel-eluting Coroflex Please stent in percutaneous coronary intervention [Trials]
  • 2009Obesity paradox in Korean patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction [Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2009Comparison of clinical outcomes following acute myocardial infarctions in hypertensive patients with or without diabetes. [대한심장학회지]
  • 2009Are patients with angiographically near-normal coronary arteries who present as acute myocardial infarction actually safe? [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2008Effect of Paclitaxel-Eluting Versus Sirolimus-Eluting Stents on Coronary Restenosis in Korean Diabetic Patients [Journal of Interventional Cardiology]
  • 2008Clinical Safety of Drug-Eluting Stents in the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry [Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Recent progress of the use of interventional therapy for chronic total occlusion [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Increased carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive patients is caused by increased medial thickness [대한내과학회지]
  • 2008Review of Megatrials of Clopidogrel for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Search for Vulnerable Plaque: Focused on VH-IVUS [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Intensive pharmacologic treatment in patients with acute non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction who did not undergo percutaneous coronary intervention. [Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Clinical outcomes and therapeutic strategy in patients with acute myocardial infarction according to renal function: data from the Korean Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry [Circulation Journal]
  • 2008Impact of body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio on clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (from the Korean Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry). [American Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2008Sex differences in atheroma burden and endothelial function in patients with early coronary atherosclerosis [European Heart Journal]
  • 2008혈관 초음파 [Clinical Echocardiography]
  • 2008Carotid IMT and Coronary Atherosclerosis [대한심장학회지]
  • 2008Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 Predicts Progression of Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy and Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Heart Transplant Patients [Transplantation]
  • 2008Predictors of Slow Flow During Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: an Intavascular Ultrasound-Virtual Histology Study [Heart]
  • 2008NT-pro BNP is associated with adverse short-term clinical outcomes in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2008Randomized Comparison of Cilostazol vs Clopidogrel After Drug-Eluting Stenting in Diabetic Patients [Circulation J]
  • 2007Randomized Comparison of Cilostazol vs Clopidogrel After Drug-Eluting Stenting in Diabetic Patients [Circulation Journal]
  • 2007The prognostic significance of carotid intima-media thickness in patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2007허혈성 심질환 표준진료 권고안 [순환기학회]
  • 2007변이형 협심증 [월간 의약정보]
  • 2007A giant coronary artery aneurysm presenting with cardiac tamponade [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2007Serum Uric Acid is Associated with Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2007혈압모니터 지침 [대한고혈압학회지]
  • 2007Gender Differences in the Role of Serum Uric Acid for Predicting Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Korean Circulation J]
  • 2007Toad Venom Poisoning Resembling Digitalis Intoxication and Hyperkalemia [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2007The Serum Lipid Level is Associated with Intimal Thickness of the Carotid Artery for Patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis [순환기]
  • 2007Prognostic Significance of Descending Thoracic Aorta Intima-Media Thickness in Patients with Coronary Atherosclerosis [순환기]
  • 2007Cilostazol after Drug-Eluting Stent in Diabetic Patients [한국혈전지혈학회지]
  • 2007급성 관동맥 증후군에서 생체내 관상동맥 경화반 조직 소견: 심혈관 초음파 연구 [순환기]
  • 2007한국인 관상동맥 경화증 환자에서 경동맥 내중막 두께는 프래밍햄 위험 점수와 관련이 있다. [순환기]
  • 2007역 다코주보 심근증으로 발현된 갈색 세포종 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2007Hypertension, a low ejection fraction and severe angiographic findings are associated with smooth muscle dysfunction in patients with coronary atherosclerosis [순환기]
  • 2007내피세포 기능 저하는 경피적 관상동맥 중재술후 뇌경색 발생과 연관이 있다 [순환기]
  • 2007Conversion to Sirolimus as Primary Immunosuppression Attenuates the Progression of Allograft Vasculopathy After Cardiac Transplantation [Circulation]
  • 2007Association of a corrected QT interval with the carotid intima-media thickness and the severity of coronary artery disease in patients with coronary artery disease. [순환기]
  • 2006Fulminant infective endocarditis requiring early surgical intervention [한국심초음파학회지]
  • 2006Multiple predictors of coronary restenosis after drug- eluting stent implantation in diabetic patients [Heart]
  • 2006Independent component analysis for synthetic aperture magnetometry in magnetocardiography [Comput Biol Med]
  • 2006스텐트내 재협착에 시행한 Sirolimus약물 방출 스텐트 삽입의 임상적 결과 [순환기]
  • 2006Feasibility of a pressure wire and single arterial puncture for assessing aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis [Journal of Invasive Cardiology]
  • 2006Individual Measurement and Significance of Carotid Intima, Media, and Intima-Media Thickness by B-Mode Ultrasonographic Image Processing [ATVB]
  • 2006Tissue characterization of coronary plaques using intravascular ultrasound/virtual histology [Korean Circulation J]
  • 2006Aspirin and Clopidogrel Resistance [한국혈전지혈학회지]
  • 2006Association of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Serum Lipids With Plaque Regression in Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy [Transplantation]
  • 2006Electrical injuty-induced high-degree atrioventricular block requiring a permanent pacemaker [Korean Circulation Journal]
  • 2006경동맥 내중막 두께와 혈청 테스토스테론 농도 및 체질량지수와의 관련성 [대한임상건강증진학회지]
  • 2005대한민국 정상인과 위험인자군의 경동맥 내중막 두께 [순환기]
  • 2005Drug-Eluting Stent Strut Fracture as a Cause of Restenosis [Korean Circulation J]
  • 2005초음파와 새로운 소프트 웨어를 이용한 경동맥 내막, 중막, 내중막 두께 측정 [순환기]
  • 2005건강인에서 알코올의 종류와 양에 따른 내피세포 기능의 변화 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2005비침습적 지표들을 이용한 관상동맥 중증도 평가 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2005경동맥의 내막, 중막, 내중막 두께 분리측정 및 임상적 중요성 [의학물리]
  • 2005Impact of sirolimus-eluting stent on the outcome of patients with chronic total occlusions. [American Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2005Other lesions: calcified, tortous, ostial, eccentric [2004중재시술 매뉴얼]
  • 2005관상동맥 질환 환자에서 심초음파적 좌심실기능,용적 및 질량과 QT dispersion과의 연관성 [한국심초음파학회지]
  • 2005관상동맥질환에서 동맥경화 위험인자가 동맥경화 지표들에 미치는 영향 [순환기]
  • 2005급성관동맥 증후군 환자에서 평균 혈소판 성분농도 감소의 임상적 유용성 [순환기]
  • 2005Nonlinear characteristics of heart rate time series: influence of three recumbent positions in patie [Physiological Measurement]
  • 2005연령, 성별, 동맥경화 위험인자의 수는 관상동맥 경화증 환자에서 내피세포 기능장애의 독립적 인자이다. [순환기]
  • 2005Effects of lacidipine on vascular response in patients with coronary artery disease [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2005관상동맥 질환자에서 좌심실구혈율이 내피세포 기능과 경동맥 내중막 두께에 미치는 영향 [순환기]
  • 2005세가지 누운자세와 심장질환의 중증정도가 교감-부교감 신경계의 균형에 미치는 상효효과 [감성과학]
  • 2005관상동맥질환 환자의 심박동변이도 [감성과학]
  • 2005관상동맥질환의 선별 검사로사의 경동맥 내중막 두께 [순환기]
  • 2004Vascular damage [대한고혈압학회지]
  • 2004대량의 관동맥내 혈전을 동반한 환자에서 Percusurge를 이용한 관동맥 중재술 1예 [순환기]
  • 2004The Impact of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction on Endothelial Function in Patients with Coronary A [Clinical Cardiology]
  • 2004관상동맥질환 정도와 내피세포 기능과의 관계 [순환기]
  • 2004Effects of low-dose atorvastatin on vascular responses in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary [J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther]
  • 2004동맥탄성도 검사로 동맥경화 위험 인자와 관상동맥 질환을 가진 환자의 감별에 도움이 되는가? [순환기]
  • 2004관상동맥 중증도와 동맥경화 지표간의 상관 관계 [대한고혈압학회지]
  • 2003Significance of the intima-media thickness of the thoracic aorta in patients with coroanry atherosclerosis [Clinical Cardiology]
  • 2003경동맥 내막중막 두께와 관상동맥질환의 심한 정도와의 상관 관계 [순환기]
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  • 2003심자도를 이용한 심근 전류분포 복원과 임상적 응용 [의공학회지]
  • 2002경피적 관상동맥 확장술후 재협착과 경동맥의 내막-중막 두께 변화와의 관계 [건양의대학술지]
  • 2002급성심근경색환자에서 일차적 관동맥 성형술과 Rescue 혹은 지연 관동맥 성형술의 비교 [건양의대 학술지]
  • 2002Endothelial dysfunction: its relationship with acute hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidemia [International Journal of Clinical Practice]
  • 2002관상동맥 질환을 가진 환자에서 Ramipril이 혈관에 미치는 영향 [순환기]
  • 2002Postprandial hypertriglyceridemia-induced endothelial dysfunction in healthy subjects is independent of lipid oxidation [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2002좌상대정맥개존증을 동반한 방실결절 회귀성 빈맥의 성공적인 전극도자절제술 2예 [순환기]
  • 2002Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Combined with Sick Sinus Syndrome [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2001경피적 관동맥확장술후 재협착 유무에 따른 내피세포 기능의 비교 [순환기]
  • 2001일부 60 ~ 64세 농촌 노인에서 음주 양상과 혈압과의 관련성 [한국농촌의학회지]
  • 2001정상 성인과 협심증 혹은 동맥경화 위험인자가 있는 환자에서 혈관내피 세포 기능의 비교 [순환기]
  • 2001관동맥 조영술상 정상 혹은 50% 미만의 협착과 흉통을 가진 환자의 장기 추적 결과 [순환기]
  • 2001Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia in a patient with situs solitus dextrocardia [International Journal of Cardiology]
  • 2001Impact of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia on vascular responses in patients with coronary artery disease; effect of ACE inhibitors and fibrates [Atherosclerosis]
  • 2001Postprandial hypertriglyceridemia impairs endothelial function by enhanced oxidant stress [Atherosclerosis]
  • 2000칼슘통로 차단제로 본태성 고혈압 환자의 내피세포 기능 이상은 호전되는가? [순환기]
  • 2000Arbutamine부하 심초음파도의 안정성과 유용성 [대한내과학회지]
  • 1999심낭삼출을 동반한 점액수종에서 심막천자술을 시행한 1예 [대한내분비학회지]
  • 1999은행잎 추출물이 협심증 환자의 내피 세포 기능에 미치는 장단기 효과 [순환기]
  • 1999WPW증후군 환자에서의 이차성 T파 변화 [순환기]
  • 1999정상인과 관동맥 질환자에서 고지방식이후 고중성 지방혈증의 비교: 식후 고중성 지방혈증의 의의와 Fibrate의 효과 [순환기]
  • 1999임상증상이 심하지 않은 심낭삼출환자의 장기추적결과 [순환기]
  • 1999심막질환에서 심막조직검사의 유용성 [순환기]
  • 1998성인에서 심방중격 교정술후 심초음파도상 심기능의 변화 [한국심초음파학회지]
  • 1998방실결절 회귀성 빈맥 환자의 도자 절제시 성공한 위치의 심내 심전도 소견 [순환기]
  • 1998A case of aortocoronary dissection as a complication during a percuteneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA) [International Journal of Cardiology]
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  • 1998정상 성인, 협심증 및 당뇨병 환자에서 고지방 섭취와 비타민 E복용이 혈관 내피 기능에 미치는 영향 [순환기]
  • 1998승모판 협착증 환자에서 심초음파로 측정한 승모판막 넓이의 정확성: 수술중 축정한 승모판막 넓이와의 비교 [순환기]
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  • 1995혈장보체 활성화와 beta2-microglobulin제거율에 대한 Cuprophane두석막과 Hemophane투석막의 비교 [대한신장학회지]
  • 1995췌장가성낭종에의한 이차성 식도이완불능증 1예 [대한내과학회지]
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  • 1994Cuprophane두석막이 혈장보체 활성화와 beta2-microglobulin제거율에 미치는 영향 [대한신장학회지]
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 배장호 교수님
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대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 회복 어려운 동맥경화증, 예방만이 최선 2024-10-13 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 골든타임 6시간 이내… 가슴통증 동반하는 심근경색증 2024-08-11 조선일보 [단독] "심부전 환자? 오시라 하소" 응급실 당직 서는 병원장 2024-05-29 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 이유 없이 빠르고 불규칙해지는 심장박동 2024-03-31 의학신문 배장호 건양대의료원장, 대한혈관학회 회장 취임 2024-01-16 의학신문 배장호 건양대 의무부총장 겸 의료원장 연임 2024-01-04 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 전신으로 퍼지는 '공포'… 겨울철 '경고등' 2023-12-03 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 말이 어눌해지고, 감각 무뎌진다면? 2023-10-22 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트]조용히 찾아오는 살인자, '혈관질환' 2023-09-19 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 가슴이 '쿡쿡'…심장 속 시한폭탄 2023-08-22 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 갑자기 심장이 '두근두근'…방치 땐 큰일 2023-04-25 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 침묵의 살인자, ‘혈관질환’ 2022-10-23 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 가슴에 통증을 느낀다면? '이것' 의심하라 2022-09-18 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 갑자기 가슴이 두근거린다면 2022-05-08 대전일보 "자랑스러운 병원, 든든한 지역병원 만들겠다" 2022-03-14 의학신문 건양대병원 심혈관질환 국제심포지엄 성료 2022-02-14 연합뉴스 건양대병원 심혈관질환 국제 심포지엄 내달 개최 2022-01-26 의학신문 배장호 교수 건양대 의무부총장 겸 의료원장 취임 2021-12-30 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 혈관 딱딱해지거나 좁아져 발생 2021-12-12 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 잘못된 식습관·스트레스 줄여라 2021-11-07 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 초를 다투는 병, 빠른 심폐소생술 중요 2021-09-26 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 이유없이 삼장 쿵쾅쿵쾅…돌연사 위험 신호 2021-05-16 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 꽉 막힌 혈관, 확 뚫어야 산다 2020-11-10 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 가슴통증·팔저림… 심장이 보내는 SOS 2020-09-22 대전일보 [9988프로젝트] 좁아진 혈관, 협심증·심근경색 유발 2019-11-12 대전일보 [9988 프로젝트] 한국인 사망원인 2위…발생후 6시간 골든타임 2019-10-08