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 류한영 증명사진 교수님

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학회및 출장등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.


학력 및 경력


  • 1994.03~1996.02 영남대학교 대학원 의학과 박사
  • 1987.09~1989.08 영남대학교 대학원 의학과 석사
  • 1981.03~1986.02 영남대학교 의학과 학사
  • 대구능인고등학교 졸업


  • 2017.02~현재 건양대학교병원 심장혈관흉부외과 교수
  • 2010.07~2017.02 건양대학교병원 심장혈관외과장
  • 2017.02~2021.02 건양대학교병원 흉부외과장
  • 2009.06~2010.06 미국 미네소타 메이요클리닉 CLINICAL FELLOW
  • 미국 미네소타주 로체스터 Mayo Clinic
  • 미국 오하이오주 Youngstown Northside
  • 분당제생병원 흉부외과 과장역임
  • 아주대학교 의과대학 흉부외과 교수
  • 영님대학교 병원 흉부외과 레지던트 수료


  • 2020.02~현재 대한 흉부외과학회 상임이사
  • 2012.10~현재 대한 흉부외과학회 이사
  • 미국흉부외과학회 정회원


  • 2022.11A Multi-Center, Prospective Observational Study to Investigate the Safety, Compliance, and Efficacy of Omethyl QTlet Soft Capsule [Journal of Clinical Medicine]
  • 2022.07A Case of Superficial Thrombo-occlusive Vascular Diseae in a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Journal rheumatic diseases]
  • 2018.08Thoracic Scoliosis in Patients with Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2018.06Unusual Pseudoaneurysm of the Dorsalis Pedis Artery after an Iatrogenic Injury [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2016.06Surgical Treatment of Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation Using a T-plate [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2014.02A Retrospective Clinical Study: Complications of Totally Implanted Central Venous Access Ports [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2013.12A Rare Case of Bilateral Pulmonary Sequestration Managed with Embolization and Surgical Resection in a Patient [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2012.12A Case of Traumatic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome(외상성 흉곽출구 증후군 증례) [The Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery]
  • 2011중증 다발성 늑골골정에 대한 조기 수술적 늑골고정술 [대한외상학회지]
  • 2011Early Surgical Stabilization of Ribs for Severe Multiple Rib Fractures [대한외상학회지]
  • 2011Clinical Analysis of Airway Trauma [대한 외상학회지]
  • 2011외상성 기도 손상의 임상적 고찰 []
  • 2008The charity operation(CABG) for a old lady(83 years old) suffering from unstable angina. Bundang Jes []
  • 2008The charity operation for a woman suffering from ASD. Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital, 2008, Sungna []
  • 2008The charity operation(Benthall’s OP) for a woman suffering from aortic aneurysm and Marfan’s syndr []
  • 2007The Charity operation for a woman suffering from ASD with leukemia. Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital []
  • 2007The Charity Operation for a child suffering from VSD with extremely poor family, Bundang Jesaeng Gen []
  • 2007The charity operation(CABG) for a man suffering from angina pectoris. Bundang Jesaeng General Hospit []
  • 2007The Charity operation for a woman suffering from ASD with mental retardation. Bundang Jesaeng Genera []
  • 2007The Charity operation(MVR + CABG) for a man suffering from Mitral valve regurgitation and angina. Bu []
  • 2003The Charity Operation for a child suffering from Pulmonary Atresia with extremely poor family, Bunda []
  • 2002The Charity Operation for a child suffering from VSD with extremely poor family, Bundang Jesaeng Gen []
  • 2001The Charity Operation for a child suffering from ASD who has a defected family, Bundang Jesaeng Gene []
  • 1999The Charity Operation for a Wemen’s Middle School Student with Ventricular Septal Defect:Bundang Je []
  • 1999Evaluation of risk factors predicting morbidity and mortality after major pulmonary resection []
  • 1998The efficacy of computerized tomographic scan for chest trauma []
  • 1997Involvement of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor on the contractility of canine trachealis muscle []
  • 1996Pulmonary endodermal tumor resembling fetal lung, - Report of a case- []
  • 1996Pleural adhesiolysis and drainage using video-assisted thoracoscopy in empyema []
  • 1996Chest wall reconstruction using latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap in empyema []
  • 1995Left ventricular rupture by blunt chest trauma, -Report of a case of left ventricular rupture result []
  • 1995Traumatic aortic transaction, -Report of a case- []
  • 1993A Clinical study on the surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis []
  • 1993Hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis []
  • 1991Changes of myocardial temperature following infusion of cold cardioplegic solution in open heart sur []
  • 1990Four year experience with valve replacement of valvular heart disease []
  • 1990Operative correction of total left anomalous pulmonary venous return []
  • 1990Delayed repair of complete transected left main bronchus, A report of one case []
  • 1990Protective effect of chlorpromazine for the isolated rat heart from reperfusion injury []
  • 1989A case of dissection in Marfan syndrome with ascending aortic aneurysm []
  • 1988Clinical study of 459 cases of cardiovasc surgery []
  • 1988Surgical management of the chronic dissecting aneurysm of ascending aorta with aortic regurgitation []
  • 1987Surgical treatment of pulmonary atresia withventricular septal defect, - A report of 2 cases []
 류한영 교수님