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학력 및 경력


  • ~ 2018.02 건양대학교 대학원 의학박사
  • 2004.03~2006.08 건양대학교 의학과 석사
  • 1997.03~2003.02 건양대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2023.10~현재 건양대학교병원 이비인후과 교수
  • 2023.09~현재 건양대학교의료원 의료데이터연구단장
  • 2023.07~현재 건양대학교의료원 의생명연구원장
  • 2022.02~2023.07 건양대학교의료원 의료정보부실장
  • 2019.01~2023.08 헬스케어데이터사이언스센터장
  • 2012.05~2023.09 건양대학교병원 이비인후과 부교수
  • 현재 건양대학교의과대학 정보의학교실 주임교수
  • 현재 TJB대전방송 객원의학 전문기자
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  • 2017.02~2021.06 건양대학교의료원 홍보실장
  • KBS 비타민 고정 출연(2016.11~2017.03)
  • 코 사용설명서 출간(출판사:군자출판사)
  • 꽃보다 군인 출간(출판사:골든타임)
  • 의사아빠 깜신의 육아시크릿 출간(출판사:웅진리빙하우스)
  • 닥터스블로그 출간(출판사:청년의사)
  • 꽃중년프로젝트 출간(출판사:랜덤하우스코리아)
  • 2009.04~2012.04 대전국군통합병원 이비인후과장


  • 현재 대한비과학회 홍보이사
  • 현재 대한의료정보학회 이사장
  • 대한천식알레르기학회 정회원
  • 소아이비인후과학회 기획이사
  • 대한안면성형재건학회 정회원
  • 대한이비인후과학회 정회원
  • 대한디지털 헬스학회 홍보이사


  • 2024.12Effects of rivastigmine on gait in patients with neurodegenerative disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [PLOS ONE]
  • 2024.10Text Network Analysis to Develop a Search Strategy for a Systematic Review. [Applied sciences]
  • 2024.10Early Prediction of Sepsis in the Intensive Care Unit Using the GRU-D-MGP-TCN Model [IEEE Access]
  • 2024.08NRP1 antagonism as a novel therapeutic target in nasal polyps of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. [Allergy]
  • 2024.07Customized Quality Assessment of Healthcare Data. [Annals of Laboratory Medicine]
  • 2024.06Evaluating Aspirin’s Efficacy for Primary Prevention in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease: Insights from a Nationwide Cohort Study. [Clinics and practice]
  • 2024.04Ganglioside GD3 Regulates Inflammation and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Human Nasal Epithelial Cells [International Journal of Molecular Science]
  • 2024.03Analysis of Participation Characteristics of Medical Information Exchange in Daejeon Metropolitan City (대전광역시 진료정보교류사업 참여특성 분석) [보건과 복지]
  • 2024.03Deep learning algorithm for the automated detection and classification of nasal cavity mass in nasal endoscopic images [PLOS ONE]
  • 2024.02Socio-economic factors and medical conditions affecting regular stomach cancer screening in Korea: a retrospective longitudinal study using national public health data for 11 years. [Public Health]
  • 2024.01Factors Affecting Adherence to National Colorectal Cancer Screening: A 12-Year Longitudinal Study Using Multi-Institutional Pooled Data in Korea [Journal of Korean Medical Science]
  • 2024.01Otorhinolaryngologic Complications after COVID-19 Vaccination, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS) [Frontiers in Public Health]
  • 2023.12An Effective Representation Learning Approach: The Integrated Self-Supervised Pre-training Models of StyleGAN2-ADA and DINO for Colon Polyp Images [IEEE Access]
  • 2023.12Retrospective analysis of the clinical characteristics of breast cancer patients with telomerase peptide immunotherapy combined cytotoxic chemotherapy [Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy]
  • 2023.10Regularity of cervical cancer screening in Korea: analysis using national public data for 12 years [Journal of Gynecologic Oncology]
  • 2023.09Oral Nutritional Supplements Reduce Body Weight Loss afterGastrectomy in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A SystematicReview and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials [nutrients]
  • 2023.05The Relationship between Self-Perceived Health and Physical Activity in the Mental Health of Korean Cancer Survivors [Healthcare]
  • 2023.03Drug_SNSMiner: standard pharmacovigilance pipeline for detection of adverse drug reaction using SNS data [scientific reports]
  • 2023.02Effect of Epidural Block in the Incidence of Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Population-Based Matched-Cohort Study [Annals of geriatric medicine and research]
  • 2022.11Time to surgery and survival in breast cancer [BMC Surgery]
  • 2022.11A Study on the Availability of Survival Analysis of Lung Cancer Patients UsingSynthetic Data [J Health Info Stat]
  • 2022.10A Data-Driven Reference Standard for Adverse Drug Reaction (RS-ADR) Signal Assessment: Development and Validation [J Med Internet Res.]
  • 2022.06Tobacco Smoking Could Accentuate Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Th2-Type Response in Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps [Immune Network]
  • 2022.02Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss May Increase the Risk of Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Nationwide Cohort Study [Healthcare]
  • 2022.02Development of Breast Cancer Prognosis Prediction Model Based on Clinical Features Including CEA and CA15-3 Serum Levels [Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics]
  • 2021.11Hybrid Method Incorporating a Rule-Based Approach and Deep Learning for Prescription Error Prediction [DRUG SAFETY]
  • 2021.11Delta neutrophil index levels can be a good indicator to predict patients with chronic rhinosinusitis who need surgery [ENT-EAR NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL]
  • 2021.10Chronic kidney disease is associated with increased risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and Meniere's disease: a nationwide cohort study [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS]
  • 2021.09Association between Air Pollutants and Initial Hospital Admission for Ischemic Stroke in Korea from 2002 to 2013 [JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES]
  • 2021.08Effect of Ranitidine Intake on the Risk of Gastric Cancer Development [HEALTHCARE]
  • 2021.08Patient Drug Database: 환자 생성 건강 데이터를 활용한 환자 주도적 약물 부작용 탐색을 위한 데이터베이스 구축 [보건정보통계학회지]
  • 2021.07Detection of unknown ototoxic adverse drug reactions: an electronic healthcare record-based longitudinal nationwide cohort analysis [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS]
  • 2021.07Geriatrics on beers criteria medications at risk of adverse drug events using real-world data [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS]
  • 2021.07Real-world data-based adverse drug reactions detection from the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System databases with electronic health records-based detection algorithm [HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL]
  • 2021.04Popularization of Medical Information [Healthcare Informatics Research]
  • 2021.03The 2011-2020 Trends of Data-Driven Approaches in Medical Informatics for Active Pharmacovigilance [APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL]
  • 2021.03Adenotonsillectomy does not alter the risk of upper respiratory infections in children [Laryngoscope]
  • 2021.03Prevalence of Intracranial Aneurysm in Patients With Aortic Disease in Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study [JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION]
  • 2021.01Association of Behcet disease with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS]
  • 2021.01Columellar Wound Immediately After Open Rhinoseptoplasty Treated With Application of DuoDERM Extra Thin [JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY]
  • 2020.12Effectiveness of the TnR Nasal Mesh? for the Correction of Caudal Septal Deviation [임상이비인후과]
  • 2020.07Association of adenotonsillectomy with asthma and upper respiratory infection: A nationwide cohort study [PLoS One]
  • 2020.06Association Between Burning Mouth Syndrome and the Development of Depression, Anxiety, Dementia, and Parkinson Disease [JAMA OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD NECK SURGERY]
  • 2020.03Ganglioside GM3 Up-Regulate Chondrogenic Differentiation by Transform Growth Factor Receptors [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES]
  • 2019.11Prevalence of Intracranial Aneurysms in Patients with Systemic Vessel Aneurysms; A Nationwide Cohort Study [Stroke]
  • 2019.09Association of obstructive sleep apnea with the risk of affective disorders [JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery]
  • 2019.09Relationship of chronic rhinosinusitis with asthma, myocardial infarction, stroke, anxiety, and depression [The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice]
  • 2019.09Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea With the Risk of M?ni?re's Disease and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss [Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine]
  • 2019.04Upregulation of FZD5 in Eosinophilic Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps by Epigenetic Modification [MOLECULES AND CELLS]
  • 2019.03A Nationwide, PopulationbasedCohort Study on PotentialAutoimmune Association ofM?ni?re Disease to Atopy andVitiligo [Scientific reports]
  • 2019.02Association of Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Increased Risk ofDepression and Anxiety in a Nationwide Insurance Population [JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery]
  • 2019.01Bell Palsy and the Risk of Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease:A Population-Based Follow-Up Study [The Laryngoscope]
  • 2018.12Heat-Killed Saccharomyces cerevisiae, A Dectin-1 Agonist, Selectively Induces IgG4 Production by Human B Cells [IMMUNE NETWORK]
  • 2018.07Association of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss With Affective Disorders [JAMA OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY]
  • 2018Role of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. [Molecular medicine reports]
  • 2017.11Factors that contribute to disagreement in satisfaction between surgeons and patients after corrective septorhinoplasty. [American journal of rhinology & allergy]
  • 2017Association of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss With Risk of Cardiocerebrovascualr Disease - A Study Using Data From the Korea National Health Insurance Service [JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery]
  • 2015.11Endonasal extended columellar strut in Asian rhinoplasty [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY ALLERGY]
  • 2015.09Radiofrequency turbinoplasty for nonallergic rhinitis in geriatric patients [American Journal of Rhinology Allergy]
  • 2015.07Feasibility of Septal Body Volume Reduction for Patients With Nasal Obstruction [LARYNGOSCOPE]
  • 2014.11.01Effect of adenotonsillar hypertrophy on right ventricle function in children [대한소아과학회]
  • 2014.11.01Combined use of scoring incisions and 2-octylcyanoacrylate adhesive during endonasal septoplasty to correct cartilaginous deviations [OCEAN SIDE PUBLICATIONS INC]
  • 2014.11Combined use of scoring incisions and 2-octylcyanoacrylate adhesive during endonasal septoplasty to correct cartilaginous deviations [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY & ALLERGY]
  • 2014.11Effect of adenotonsillar hypertrophy on right ventricle function in children [Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
  • 2014.08.01의과대학생은 어떠한 수업 피드백을 받고 싶어 하는가? [한국의학교육학회]
  • 2014.06의과대학 교수들이 필요로 하는 교수개발 프로그램은무엇인가? [Korean Journal of Medical Education]
  • 2013.11Intratympanic Dexamethasone Injection for Refractory Tinnitus: Prospective Placebo-Controlled Study [LARYNGOSCOPE]
  • 2013.04치료가 잘 되지 않는 이명환자에서 고막내 스테로이드 주사치료의 효용성 [LARYNGOSCOPE]
  • 2013"의사아빠 깜신의 육아 시크릿" [웅진리빙하우스 출간]
  • 2012"닥터스 블로그" [청년의사 공저]
  • 2011"꽃중년 프로젝트" [랜텀하우스코리아]
 김종엽 교수님
노컷뉴스 건양대 김종엽 의생명연구원장, 의료정보학회 이사장 취임 2025-02-03 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 의생명연구원장, 의료정보학회 차기 이사장 선출 2024-12-17 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료 AI 임상실증 플랫폼 개발 완료 2024-10-21 의학신문 건양대병원 ‘스마트 전자약 사업화 종합지원센터’ 선정 2024-08-29 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 비부비동염 새 치료법 규명 2024-08-27 의학신문 건양대의료원 김종엽 의생명연구원장 대전시장 표창 2023-12-28 청년의사 의료데이터도 넷플릭스처럼 구독하는 시대가 온다 2023-12-05 메디칼타임즈 의료데이터, 취미이자 놀이…이젠 1등 향해 달린다 2023-07-17 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료 AI서비스·산업생태계 구축사업 선정 2023-06-08 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료AI 기술 경쟁력 강화 임상실증 포럼 성료 2023-04-03 청년의사 건양대병원, 수요자 맞춤 의료AI 임상실증 포럼 개최 2023-03-31 의학신문 건양대병원, Ai 의료기기 매칭포럼 개최 2023-02-16 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료AI 임상실증 사업 착수보고회 2022-09-19 의학신문 건양대병원, ‘의료 AI 임상실증 연구 지원사업’ 선정 2022-08-25 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 국가산업 발전 국무총리 표창 2022-05-02 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 과기정통부 장관상 수상 2021-01-07 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 대한의료정보학회 학술상 수상 2020-11-17 대전일보 건양대병원 김종엽 교수팀 한국연구재단 사업선정 2020-03-09
노컷뉴스 건양대 김종엽 의생명연구원장, 의료정보학회 이사장 취임 2025-02-03 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 의생명연구원장, 의료정보학회 차기 이사장 선출 2024-12-17 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료 AI 임상실증 플랫폼 개발 완료 2024-10-21 의학신문 건양대병원 ‘스마트 전자약 사업화 종합지원센터’ 선정 2024-08-29 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 비부비동염 새 치료법 규명 2024-08-27 의학신문 건양대의료원 김종엽 의생명연구원장 대전시장 표창 2023-12-28 청년의사 의료데이터도 넷플릭스처럼 구독하는 시대가 온다 2023-12-05 메디칼타임즈 의료데이터, 취미이자 놀이…이젠 1등 향해 달린다 2023-07-17 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료 AI서비스·산업생태계 구축사업 선정 2023-06-08 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료AI 기술 경쟁력 강화 임상실증 포럼 성료 2023-04-03 청년의사 건양대병원, 수요자 맞춤 의료AI 임상실증 포럼 개최 2023-03-31 의학신문 건양대병원, Ai 의료기기 매칭포럼 개최 2023-02-16 의학신문 건양대병원, 의료AI 임상실증 사업 착수보고회 2022-09-19 의학신문 건양대병원, ‘의료 AI 임상실증 연구 지원사업’ 선정 2022-08-25 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 국가산업 발전 국무총리 표창 2022-05-02 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 과기정통부 장관상 수상 2021-01-07 의학신문 건양대병원 김종엽 교수, 대한의료정보학회 학술상 수상 2020-11-17 대전일보 건양대병원 김종엽 교수팀 한국연구재단 사업선정 2020-03-09