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학력 및 경력


  • 2009.03~2011.02 건양대학교 의학과 석사
  • 2001.03~2007.02 건양대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2017.03~현재 건양대학교병원 유방.갑상선 외과 조교수
  • 2020.03~2022.02 건양대학교병원 인턴교육담당
  • 2015.03~2017.02 분당서울대학교병원 외과 임상강사
  • 2008.03~2012.02 건양대학교병원 외과 레지던트
  • 2007.03~2008.02 건양대학교병원 인턴


  • 한국유방암학회 정회원
  • 대한갑상선내분비학회 정회원
  • 대한 외과학회 정회원


  • 2022.11Time to surgery and survival in breast cancer [BMC surgery]
  • 2022.08The role of postoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of postoperative major complications following total gastrectomy for gastric cancer [Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research]
  • 2022.08Optimal indication of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy using Konyang Standard Method in benign gallbladder diseases [Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery]
  • 2022.06Optimal drain management following complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: a propensity-matched comparative stu [Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery]
  • 2022.02The Feasibility of Single-Port Laparoscopic Interval Appendectomy for Complicated Appendicitis: A Comparison Study with Multi-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in a Single Institution in Korea [Clinics in Surgery]
  • 2022.02Development of Breast Cancer Prognosis Prediction Model Based on Clinical Features Including CEA and CA15-3 Serum Levels [Journal of Health Informaticsand Statistics]
  • 2021.12Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Is Better than Conservative Treatment in Elderly Patients with Acute Cholecystitis After Percutaneous Transhepatic Gallbladder Drainage [JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY]
  • 2021.11Completion of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the modified Konyang standard method [SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES]
  • 2021Efficacy of sentinel lymph node biopsy with radioisotope alone and the prediction of sentinel node status using PET-CT in breast cancer [KJCO]
  • 2020.09The Usefulness of Preoperative Colonoscopic Tattooing with Autologous Blood for Localization in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery [Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery]
  • 2020.06Which patients are a better candidate of laparoscopic repair in obturator hernia patients? [Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery]
  • 2018.12Single Incision Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Management of Complicated Appendicitis: Comparison between Single-Incision and Conventional [Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery]
  • 2018.08Evolution of the Konyang Standard Method for single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the result from a thousand case of a single center experience [ANNALS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT AND RESEARCH]
  • 2018.01Comparative Performance of the Complexity Classification and the Conventional Major/Minor Classification for Predicting the Difficulty of Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma [Ann Surg]
  • 2017.12Prediction of surgical outcomes of laparoscopic liver resections for hepatocellular carcinoma by defining surgical difficulty. [Surg Endosc]
  • 2017.10Laparoscopic Total Caudate Lobectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma [J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A]
  • 2017.08Laparoscopic Anatomical Segment 2 Segmentectomy by the Glissonian Approach [J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A]
  • 2017.04Association of Remnant Liver Ischemia With Early Recurrence and Poor Survival After Liver Resection in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma [JAMA Surg]
  • 2017.01Validation of difficulty scoring system for laparoscopic liver resection in patients who underwent laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy [Surg Endosc]
  • 2017Laparoscopic liver resection of hepatocellular carcinoma located in segments 7 or 8 [Surg Endosc]
  • 2016.11Comparison of laparoscopic liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma located in the posterosuperior segments or anterolateral segments: A case-matched analysis [Surgery]
  • 2016.09Laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy in patients with histologically confirmed cirrhosis [Surg Oncol]
  • 2016.08Laparoscopic spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy [J Vis Surg]
  • 2016.08Defining Surgical Difficulty According to the Perceived Complexity of Liver Resection: Validation of a Complexity Classification in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma [Ann Surg Oncol]
  • 2016.07safety and feasibility of repeated laparoscopic CBD exploration with stone removal for CBD stones recurrence []
  • 2016.03Outcomes of Simultaneous Major Liver Resection and Colorectal Surgery for Colorectal Liver Metastases [J Gastrointest Surg]
  • 2016괴사성 췌장염의 최소 침습 치료 시대에서 복강경 괴사 제거술의 역할 [대한내시경복강경외과학회지 제19권 제3호]