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 김국영 증명사진 교수님

안과 김국영 교수

전문분야 백내장(다초점 백내장 수술), 각결막질환(안구건조증, 익상편, 원추각막), 각막이식 *화요일: 영등포 김안과 진료 (시력교정수술)

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  • 출장:2025-02-20~2025-02-20
  • 출장:2025-02-28~2025-02-28
  • 학회:2025-04-24~2025-04-30

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학력 및 경력


  • 2011.03~2013.02 경희대학교대학원 의학과 석사
  • 2002.03~2008.02 경희대학교 의학과 학사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 안과 진료교수
  • 현재 영등포 김안과병원 각막센터 전문의
  • 경희대학교 의과대학, 의학전문대학원 외래교수 위촉
  • 2022.02~2023.12 밝은누리안과병원 전문의
  • 2017.03~2022.01 김안과병원 전문의
  • 2021~2022 영등포 김안과병원 수련부차장
  • 2018.01~2022.01 영등포 김안과병원 각막센터 전문의(백내장센터, 라식센터 소속)
  • 2016.05~2017.02 김안과병원 전임의
  • 2013.02~2016.04 해군 군의관
  • 2009.03~2013.02 경희대병원 레지던트
  • 2008.03~2009.02 경희대병원 인턴


  • 대한안과학회지 논문 심사위원
  • 한국 시각장애인스포츠 등급 분류사
  • 2022 한남 각막학회
  • 2020 한국 건성안학회 정회원
  • 2017 백내장굴절수술학회 정회원
  • 2016 한국 각막학회 정회원
  • 2013 대한안과학회 정회원


  • Comparative Study of Sterilization Efficacy in Autoclaving, Ethylene Oxide Gas and Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma Sterilization for Ophthalmic Surgical Instrument with Narrow-lumen. [석사논문]
  • 2024.02Clinical Outcomes and Indications of In-Office Sutureless Dried Gamma Ray-Sterilized Human Amniotic Membrane Transplantation With Bandage Contact Lenses in Various Ocular Surface Disorders [Cornea]
  • 2023.11Corneal epithelial remodeling induced by combined small incision lenticule extraction and accelerated corneal collagen crosslinking for myopia. [PLoS One]
  • 2022.11Evaluation of angle-to-angle and spur-to-spur using swept source optical coherence tomography in different refractive error. [PLoS One]
  • 2022.09Anterior segment characteristics in normal and keratoconus eyes evaluated with a new type of swept-source optical coherence tomography. [PLoS One]
  • 2022.02Relapsed Disciform Stromal Herpetic Keratitis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report. [Korean J Ophthalmol]
  • 2022Subacute Methicillin-resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus hominis Endophthalmitis after Penetrating Keratoplasty Re-operation. [Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society]
  • 2022Comparison of Anterior Segment Measurements between Scheimpflug-Placido Camera and New Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography. [Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society]
  • 2021.07Corneal Endothelial Cell Changes After Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients. [Eye Contact Lens]
  • 2021.07Relationship between the partial blink rate and ocular surface parameters. [Int Ophthalmol]
  • 2021.05Refractive prediction of four different intraocular lens calculation formulas compared between new swept source optical coherence tomography and partial coherence interferometry. [PLoS One]
  • 2021.04Visual Performance and Optical Quality after Implantation of a New Generation Monofocal Intraocular Lens. [Korean J Ophthalmol]
  • 2021Long-term Outcome of Combined Laser-assisted Subepithelial Keratomileusis and Accelerated Corneal Crosslinking for Myopia. [Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society]
  • 2020.12Ocular surface analysis: A comparison between the LipiView® II and IDRA®. [Eur J Ophthalmol]
  • 2020.12Comparison study of the axial length measured using the new swept-source optical coherence tomography ANTERION and the partial coherence interferometry IOL Master. [PLoS One]
  • 2020.08Combined Phototherapeutic Keratectomy and Peripheral Anterior Stromal Puncture for the Treatment of Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome. [Korean J Ophthalmol]
  • 2020.05Lenticular Fungal Infection Caused by Aspergillus in a Patient With Traumatic Corneal Laceration: A Case Report BMC Ophthalmol. [false]
  • 2020.01Clinical Aspects of Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis Using a Tear Film Interferometer Dong Hyun Kang, MD, Sang Wroul Song, MD, Byung Yeop Kim, MD, Kyu Yeon Hwang, MD, Kook Young Kim, MD. [J Korean Ophthalmol Soc]
  • 2020A case report of fulminant endophthalmitis caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae in a patient with traumatic corneal laceration. [BMC Ophthalmology]
  • 2019.10Changes of tear film lipid layer thickness by 3% diquafosol ophthalmic solutions in patients with dry eye syndrome. Kang DH, Lee YW, Hwang KY, Koh KM, Kwon YA, Kim BY, Song SW, Kim KY. [Int J Ophthalmol]
  • 2018.08Predicting Factor of Visual Outcome in Unilateral Idiopathic Cataract Surgery in Patients Aged 3 to 10 Years. Park J, Lee YG, Kim KY, Kim BY. [Korean J Ophthalmol]
  • 2014Macular hole formation after pars plana vitrectomy for the treatment Korean J Ophthalmol []
  • 2013.12New profiles of posterior pole retinal thickness map in healthy Korean eyes measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Kim KY, Kwak HW, Kim M, Kim YG, Yu SY. [Retina]
  • 2013.04Changes of parafoveal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness analyzed by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography after pars plana vitrectomy. Kim KY, Yu SY, Kim MS, Kim ES, Kwak HW. [Retina]
  • 2013.04Traumatic chorioretinal folds treated with intra-vitreal triamcinolone injection. Kim KY, Kwak HW, Kim M, Yu SY. [Indian J Ophthalmol]
  • 2013Morphological change of inner retinal layer on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography following macular hole surgery. Kim KY, Yu SY, Kim M, Kim ES, Kwak HW. [Ophthalmologica]
  • 2012.03Effects of Anterior Capsulotomy Extension on Rotational Stability of Intraocular Lens. [J Korean Ophthalmol Soc]
  • 2010.09A Case of Conjunctival Lymphangioma With Clinical Manifestations of Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis After Upper Lid Blepharoplasty. [J Korean Ophthalmol Soc]
 김국영 교수님