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 인치범 증명사진 교수님

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  • 출장:2025-02-10~2025-02-11

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학력 및 경력


  • 2017.03~2024.02 충남대학교 의학과 박사
  • 2013.03~2016.02 충남대학교 의학과 석사
  • 2001.03~2006.02 충남대학교 의학과 학사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 마취통증의학과 조교수
  • 2015.03~2016.02 분당 서울대학교병원 임상강사
  • 2008.03~2012.02 한림대학교 성심병원 레지던트
  • 2007.03~2008.02 한림대학교 성심병원 인턴


  • 대한통증의학회 통증의학 고위자과정 수료
  • 대한IMS학회 회원
  • 한국부위마취연구회 회원
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  • 대한척추통증학회 정회원
  • 대한뇌신경마취학회 정회원
  • 대한통증의학회 정회원
  • 대한마취통증의학회 정회원


  • 2023.02Effectiveness of caudal block in patients with spinal stenosis accompanied by redundant nerve root syndrome [Journal of International Medical Research]
  • 2023.02Effect of Epidural Block in the Incidence of Postherpetic Neuralgia: A population-Based Matched-Cohort Study [Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research]
  • 2020.08Effectiveness of percutaneous lumbarforaminoplasty in patients with lumbar foraminalspinal stenosis accompanying redundant nerveroot syndrome : A retrospective observational study [Medicine]
  • 2020.08Effects of Chlorpheniramine Maleate on Catheter-Related Bladder Discomfort in Patients Undergoing Ureteroscopic Stone Removal: A Randomized Double-Blind Study [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES]
  • 2019.04Effects of Intraoperative Nefopam onCatheter-Related Bladder Discomfort in PatientsUndergoing Robotic Nephrectomy: A RandomizedDouble-Blind Study [Journal of Clinical Medicine]
  • 2019.03Effects of tramadol on emergence agitation after general anesthesia for nasal surgery: A retrospective cohort study [Medicine]
  • 2019.02Comparison of the clinical performance of airway management with the i-gel? and laryngeal mask airway SupremeTM in geriatric patients: a prospective and randomized study [Korean Journal of Anesthesiology]
  • 2018.10Comparison of the effects of desflurane and total intravenous anesthesia on the optic nerve sheath diameter in robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy A randomized controlled trial [MEDICINE]
  • 2017.09Effects of recruitment manoeuvre on perioperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing robotic assisted radical prostatectomy: A randomised single-blinded trial [PLOS ONE]
 인치범 교수님