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 송영화 증명사진 교수님

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  • 출장:2025-02-18~2025-02-21

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학력 및 경력


  • 2011.03~2013.08 건양대학교 의학과 석사
  • 2001.03~2008.02 건양대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2024.02~현재 건양대학교병원 적정진료관리부실장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 소아청소년과 부교수
  • 건양대학교병원 소아청소년과 조교수
  • 건양대학교병원 소아청소년과 전임의
  • 건양대학교병원 레지던트 수료
  • 건양대학교병원 인턴 수료



  • 2022.05Correlation between Transient Elastography (Fibroscan?) and Ultrasonographic and Computed Tomographic Grading in Pediatric Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis [Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition]
  • 2021.10Risk factors and prognosis in very low birth weight infants treated for hypotension during the first postnatal week from the Korean Neonatal Network [PLOS ONE]
  • 2021.08Trends and Characteristics of Mortality Associated with Congenital Anomalies in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2021.06A Case of Idiopathic Renal Hypouricemia with SLC22A12 Gene Mutation Showing General Weakness and Incidental Renal Stone [Childhood Kidney Diseases]
  • 2020.1114q12q13.3 Deletion Diagnosed Using Chromosomal Microarray Analysis in an Infant Showing Seizures, Hypoplasia of the Corpus Callosum, and Developmental Delay [Neonatal Medicine]
  • 2020.1114q12q13.3 Deletion Diagnosed Using Chromosomal Microarray Analysis in an Infant Showing Seizures, Hypoplasia of the Corpus Callosum, and Developmental Delay [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2020.10Mortality Rate and Major Causes of Death by Gestational Age in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age [Journal of Korean Medical Science]
  • 2020.10Mortality Rate and Major Causes of Death by Gestational Age in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age [Journal of Korean medical science]
  • 2019.11.01Delta-neutrophil index: a potential predictor of coronary artery involvement in Kawasaki disease by retrospective analysis [RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL]
  • 2019.11Delta-neutrophil index: a potential predictor of coronary artery involvement in Kawasaki disease by retrospective analysis [RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL]
  • 2019.06.01Usefulness of Transient Elastography for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2019.06Usefulness of Transient Elastography for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2019.05.31Thyroid Hormone Resistance in a Preterm Infant with a Novel THRB Mutation [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2019.05Thyroid Hormone Resistance in a Preterm Infant with a Novel THRB Mutation [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2018.12The improvement of right ventricular function after adenotonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea [Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
  • 2018.03Clinical manifestation of Campylobacter enteritis in children [Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
  • 2017.08비전형 괴사성장염과 장중첩증이 의심되었던 초극소저체중출생아의 위장관 털곰팡이증 [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2017Trends in fetal and perinatal mortality in Korea (2009-2014): Comparison with Japan and the United States [JKMS]
  • 2017Comparison of birth outcomes based on maternal ethnicity in Korea: Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese, 2010-2015 [신생아학회]
  • 2015Comparative study for congenital anomaly-related infant and fetal mortality,Korea and USA,2009-2012 [대한소아과학회 ]
  • 20131995년부터 2002년까지 미국내 아시아인종간의 신생아의 특성비교 []
  • 2012말판증후군 환자에게 밝혀지 FBN1 유전자의 신생 종결 돌연변이의 보고 []
  • 2012정상칼륨형 주기성 마비와 고칼륨형 주기성 마비의 연관 []
 송영화 교수님