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성형외과 김훈 교수

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전문분야 피부암, 안와 골절, 유방재건, 만성창상, 흉터, 고도비만 체형교정, 미용

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  • 출장:2025-02-24~2025-02-28

학회및 출장등의 이유로 실제 진료스케줄과 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.


학력 및 경력


  • 2008.03~2010.02 울산대학교 의학과 박사
  • 2005.03~2007.02 울산대학교 의학과 석사
  • 1994.03~2000.02 울산대학교 의학과 학사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 뷰티센터장
  • 현재 건양대학교의료원 의생명연구원 의료기기융합센터장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 성형외과 교수
  • 2022.01~2023.12 건양대학교의료원 기획조정실장 (제5기 상급종합병원 지정)
  • 가톨릭관동대 국제성모병원 성형외과 부교수
  • 인제의대 상계백병원 성형외과 전임강사 조교수
  • 서울아산병원 성형외과 인턴 레지던트 임상강사


  • 현재 대한컴퓨터가상수술학회 편집이사
  • 현재 대한창상학회 보험위원 FKWA
  • 현재 대한미용성형외과학회 재무위원
  • 현재 대한성형외과학회 홍보위원
  • 현재 대한성형외과학회 정보통신위원
  • 현재 대한성형외과학회 평의원


  • 2023두개악안면외상학 [대한두개안면성형외과 교과서]
  • 2021.06Diagnosis and Management of Wooden Foreign Bodies in the Orbit: A Case Report [Journal of Wound Management and Research]
  • 2020.02산소 혹은 산소 및 생리식염수 주입을 병용한 주기적 음압 창상치료의 효과 [의학박사 학위논문]
  • 2019.10Keystone-design perforator island flaps for the management of complicated epidermoid cysts on the back [Scientific Reports]
  • 2019.01Relaxed skin tension line-oriented keystone-designed perforator island flaps considering the facial aesthetic unit concept for the coverage of small to moderate facial defects [Medicine]
  • 2018.09Reconstruction of infected trunk wounds with pedicled rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps: a retrospective case series [JOURNAL OF WOUND CARE]
  • 2018.08Management of epidermal cysts arising from scar tissues: A retrospective clinical study [MEDICINE]
  • 2018.03Retrospective study of freestyle perforator-based peninsular flaps: A simple, fast, and safe technique for pressure sore reconstruction [MEDICINE]
  • 2017.12Mini-breast reconstruction with an omental flap: a retrospective clinical study: Omental flap for breast reconstruction [ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY]
  • 2017.12Keystone-Designed Perforator Island Flaps for the Coverage of Traumatic Pretibial Defects in Patients With Comorbidities [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOWER EXTREMITY WOUNDS]
  • 2017.06Rare Location of Castleman’s Disease in the Temporal Region: A Case Report Involving a Young Korean Woman and Review of the Literature [Archives of Craniofacial Surgery]
  • 2017.05Keystone-designed buried de-epithelialized flap A novel technique for obliterating small to moderately sized dead spaces [MEDICINE]
  • 2017.02Augmentation of the Nipples Reconstructed with Modified Top-Hat Flap Using Dermal Grafts in Implant-Based BreastReconstruction: A Comparative Study [AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY]
  • 2017.01Correlation between the 2-Dimensional Extent of Orbital Defects and the 3-Dimensional Volume of Herniated Orbital Content in Patients with Isolated Orbital Wall Fractures [Archives of Plastic Surgery]
  • 2017.01Perineal reconstruction with multiple perforator flaps based onanatomical divisions [MICROSURGERY]
  • 2016.12Reconstruction of the Inferior Orbital Wall with SimplifiedSimulation Technique in Case of the Fracture Extending tothe Posterior Orbital Floor [Journal of International Society for Simulation Surgery]
  • 2016.12A Mobile Application for WoundAssessment and Treatment: Findingsof a User Trial [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOWER EXTREMITY WOUNDS]
  • 2016.09Correctionof Congenital Symmastia with Macromastia: Report of a Rare Case andDevised Treatment Algorithm [CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL]
  • 2016.04.05변연 접착부를 지닌 자성체 내장 실리콘 겔 시트(특허등록) [인제의대 산학협력단]
  • 2015.01The Rare Presentation of Extraskeletal Ewing's Sarcoma on the Forehead. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2014.08.29유방 보존 유방 부분 절제술 후 유방 재건용 소형 조직 확장기(특허등록) [인제의대 산학협력단]
  • 2014.07.25D+ Wound solution (ISBN 979-11-953080-0-2)(저서) [시지바이오]
  • 2014.07Supermicrosurgical reconstruction of knee defect using superior medial genicular perforator as a recipient vessel [Plast Aesthet Res]
  • 2014.07Comparison study of the use of absorbable and nonabsorbable materials as internal splints after closed reduction for nasal bone fracture. [Arch Plast Surg]
  • 2014.05.23수부외과의 임상적 접근 및 최신 미세재건술 (ISBN 978-89-94585-22-2)(저서) [우리의학사]
  • 2014.03.21변연 접착부를 지닌 자성체 내장 실리콘 겔 시트(특허출원) [인제의대 산학협력단]
  • 2014.01A rare case of abdominal porocarcinoma. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2013.09Nasal carriage of 200 patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2013.09Treatment algorithm for bilateral alveolar cleft based on the position of the premaxilla and the width of the alveolar gap. [J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.]
  • 2013.07Distribution of Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma by facial esthetic unit. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2013.04.25유방 보존 유방 부분 절제술 후 유방 재건용 소형 조직 확장기(특허출원) [인제의대 산학협력단]
  • 2012.11Recurrence of Nevus Lipomatosus Cutaneous Superficialis after CO(2) Laser Treatment. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2012.09Atypical traumatic subperiosteal orbital hematoma treated by surgical evacuation. [J Craniofac Surg.]
  • 2012.09Clinical application of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in progressive hemifacial atrophy (parry-romberg disease) with microfat grafting techniques using 3-dimensional computed tomography and 3-dimensional camera. [Ann Plast Surg.]
  • 2012.05Prevalence of Diplopia and Extraocular Movement Limitation according to the Location of Isolated Pure Blowout Fractures. [Arch Plast Surg.]
  • 2012.03Fracture of the anterior nasal spine. [J Craniofac Surg.]
  • 2011.03Efficacy of DuodermⓇ CGF in Split-thickness Skin Graft Donor Site Management [Journal of Korean Burn Society]
  • 2010.12Alternative Regional Flaps When Anterolateral Thigh Flap Perforator is not Feasible. [J Hand Microsurg.]
  • 2010.09Use of distraction osteogenesis to change endocranial morphology in unilateral coronal craniosynostosis patients. [Plast Reconstr Surg.]
  • 2010.07Delayed Retrobulbar Hemorrhage after Orbital Floor Reconstruction [J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg]
  • 2010.05Friction Burn on Foot Caused by Car-Tire [Journal of Korean Burn Society]
  • 2009.05Reconstruction with Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Free Flap in Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Report of Two Cases [JKMS.]
  • 2008.04Minimal paring of skin flaps for primary repair of incomplete unilateral cleft lip. [Plast Reconstr Surg.]
  • 2007.09Immediate Breast Reconstruction Placing the Breast Implant under the Pectoralis Major-Serratus Anterior Pocket without Tissue Expansion. [J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg]
  • 2007.03Prenatal Diagnosis of Accompanying Alveolar Cleft and Cleft Palate in Fetuses with Cleft Lip Using Prenatal 3D Sonographic Identification and Antenatal Counseling. [J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg]
  • 2007.02백서의 두개골 결손치유에 교원질 제재 (Teruplug®)가 미치는 영향 [울산대학교 의과대학]
 김훈 교수님