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 임수연 증명사진 교수님

성형외과 임수연 교수

환자의 마음을 따뜻하게 어루만지는 의사

전문분야 흉터성형, 화상, 액취증, 만성창상, 미세수술, 외상재건(안면, 수부)

의료진/진료일정 - 월,화,수,목,금,토,일로 구성된 표입니다.
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학력 및 경력


  • 2015.03~2019.09 가톨릭대학교 박사
  • 2007.03~2011.02 부산대학교 의학전문대학원 석사
  • 2002.03~2007.02 홍익대학교 공과대학 학사


  • 2022.03~현재 건양대학교병원 성형외과장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 성형외과 조교수
  • 한양대학교병원 임상조교수
  • 가톨릭중앙의료원 레지던트



  • 2023.01Buerger’s Disease as a Cause of Post-Operative Skin Necrosis:A Case Report [Journal of personalized medicine]
  • 2022.09Modified Keystone Perforator Island Flap for Tension-Reducing Coverage of Axillary Defects Secondary to Radical Excision of Chronic Inflammatory Skin Lesions: A Retrospective Case Series [BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL]
  • 2022.09Keystone flap for reconstruction of ulnar side defect of the hand: a case report [Archives of Hand and Microsurgery]
  • 2022.04Ruptured pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery in zygomaticomaxillary fracture: a case report [Archives of Craniofacial Surgery]
  • 2021.08A comparative study for tension-reducing effect of Type I and Type II keystone perforator island flap in the human back [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS]
  • 2021.06Diagnosis and Management of Wooden Foreign Bodies in the Orbit: A Case Report [Journal of Wound Management and Research]
  • 2020.06Keystone design perforatorisland flaps for coverage ofnon-oncological periarticulardefects surrounded by thezone of injury [journal of international medical research]
  • 2020.05Keystone design perforator island flap in facial defect reconstruction [WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES]
  • 2020.04Reconstruction of bilateral inferomedial glutealdefects after resection of hidradenitis suppurativawith symmetrical keystone flaps designed parallelto relaxed skin-tension lines [Medicine]
  • 2020.01Circumferential penile defect reconstruction withpull-up double-opposing keystone-designedperforator island flaps [Medicine]
 임수연 교수님