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학력 및 경력


  • 2005.03~2015.02 충북대학교 의학과 박사
  • 1997.03~2002.02 충북대학교 진단방사선과 석사
  • 1985.03~1992.02 충북대학교 의학과 학사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 영상의학과 교수
  • 충북대학교병원 레지던트
  • 충북대학교 병원 인턴


  • 현재 심장혈관영상의학회 상임이사
  • 현재 한강이남 심장혈관 영상의학회 회장
  • 2018 아시아 심장혈관영상의학회 학술대회(ASCI) 베스트 포스터상 수상
  • 대한영상의학회 기획위원회 위원
  • 미국 Medical university of South Carolina 연수 (2011.12~2012.11)


  • 2023.05Artificial Intelligence Solution for Chest Radiographs in Respiratory Outpatient Clinic Multicenter Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial [Annals of the American Thoracic Society]
  • 2022.08Artificial Intelligence-Based Identification of Normal Chest Radiographs: A Simulation Study in a Multicenter Health Screening Cohort [Korean Journal of Radiology]
  • 2022.05Diagnostic effect of artificial intelligence solution for referable thoracic abnormalities on chest radiography: a multicenter respiratory outpatient diagnostic cohort study [EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY]
  • 2022.02Concordance rate of radiologists and acommercialized deep-learning solution forchest X-ray: Real-world experience with amulticenter health screening cohort [PLOS ONE]
  • 2021.02Performance of a deep-learning algorithm forreferable thoracic abnormalities on chestradiographs: A multicenter study of a healthscreening cohort [PLOS ONE]
  • 2019.05Usefulness of apparent diffusion coefficient value of diffusion weighted imaging and peak standardized uptake values of positron emission tomography-CT for predicting prognostic factors of breast cancer [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2017.01Comparison of the Therapeutic Effect between a Transforaminal along with a Caudal Epidural Injection, as Well as Two-Level Transforaminal Epidural Injections in a Radiculopathy Patient [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2015.02.24Evaluation of Image Quality and Diagnostic Accuracy of Coronary CT Angiography in Patients with Various Body Mass Index (BMI):Comparison of Iterative and Filtered Back Projection Image Reconstruction [충북대학교]
  • 2014.07Iterative Image Reconstruction Techniques: Cardiothoracic Computed Tomography Applications [JOURNAL OF THORACIC IMAGING]
  • 2014.06Transient Ischemic Dilation of the Left Ventricle on SPECT: Correlation with Findings at Coronary CT Angiography [JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE]
  • 2014.03Comparison of the Effect of Iterative Reconstruction versus Filtered Back Projection on Cardiac CT Postprocessing [ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY]
  • 2014.02Iterative Image Reconstruction Techniques for CT Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification: Comparison with Traditional Filtered Back Projection in Vitro and in Vivo. [RADIOLOGY]
  • 2014.01Iterative Image Reconstruction Techniques for CT Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification: Comparison with Traditional Filtered Back Projection in Vitro and in Vivo. [RADIOLOGY]
  • 2014.01Dynamic CT myocardial perfusion imaging: performance of 3D semi-automated evaluation software [EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY]
  • 2014Iterative image reconstruction techniques: Cardiothoracic computed tomography applications [Journal of thoracic]
  • 2013.11Diagnostic accuracy of CT angiography in infants with tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. [JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY]
  • 2013.08비정맥류성 급성 상부위장관 출혈 환자에서 내시경적 금속클립을 참조한 혈관 색전술의 유용성( [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2013.06Comparison of Radiologic Features of Triple-Negative and Estrogen Receptor/Progesteron Receptor Positive Breast Cancer [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2013.05Cardiovascular CT angiography in neonates and children: Image quality and potential for radiation dose reduction with iterative image reconstruction techniques [EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY]
  • 2013.02Spontaneous multivessel coronary artery dissection causing massive myocardial infarction [Journal of the American College of Cardiology]
  • 2012.02Churg-Strauss Syndrome with Cardiac Involvement: A Case Report with CT and MRI Findings [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2012심근병발을 동반한 Churg-Strauss 증후군: CT와 MRI 소견에 대한 증례 보고 1예 [대한 영상의학회지]
  • 2011악성 폐종양의 사이버나이프 방사선 수술 후 방사선 폐손상의 CT 소견 [대한영상의학회지]
  • 2011Extension of nonoperative management on splenic injury with judicious selection and embolization; 10years of experience [J Korean Surg Soc]
  • 2010양성 유방 병변 제거를 위한 초음파 유도 진공 보조 생검의 유용성과 합병증 []
  • 2010Comparison of image quality of 64 slice multidetectore CT coronary CT angiography using automated and manual multiphase methods []
  • 2009Evaluation of treatment response and radiation induced pulmonary injery after stereotactic body radiotherapy with real time tumor tracking []
  • 2009유방암의 광범위한 관내 상피암 성분 및 조직학적 등급을 예측할 수 있는 영상소견 []
  • 2009결핵성 파괴폐에서 기류 제한을 유발하는 인자 []
  • 2009Usefulness of 64 slice coronary CT Angiography in patients with minor perioperative cardiovascular risk prior to noncardiac surgery []
  • 2008Identification of DNA methylation markers for NSCLC using Hpall-Mspl methylatio microarray []
  • 2008A case of double primary lung cancer that was diagnosed by percutaneous localization with using a hook wire []
  • 2008다중위상재구성기법을 이용한 최적의 유발지연 시점 평가에서 재구성기법과 심박동 수의 영향 []
  • 2008폐혈관상이 유지된 선천성 낭성 선종양 기형 1예 []
  • 2008Synchronous Roentgenographically Occult lung carcinoma treated with Argon Plasma Coagulation in a Patient with Resectable primary Lung cancer []
  • 2007다양한 액와부 종괴의 영상 소견과 병리적 소견 비교(유방암의 전이성 림프절 제외) []
  • 2007Efficacy and safety of weekly low dose Paclitaxel and cisplantin as first line therapyin advanced NSCLC of elderly patien []
  • 200715mm이하의 폐결절에 대한 CT fluoroscopy 유도하 자동 소총 생검술: 성공적 생검율과 합병증 빈도 분석 []
  • 2006폐 병소의 생검중 기흉 발생시 CT 투시 유도하 생검의 유용성 []
  • 2005peritoneal inclusion cyst의 전산화 단층촬영소견 []
  • 2005percutaneous treatment of extrahepatic bile duct stones assisted by balloon sphincteroplasty and occlusion balloon []
  • 2004늑막강내 Urokinase주입후 발생된 major hemothorax에 기인된 hypovolemic shock []
  • 2004MDCT로 확인된 폐국균증을 동반한 폐격리증 1예 []
  • 2004급성 약물중독의 임상적 고찰 []
  • 2004육아종성 유선염의 초음파 소견과 임상적 특징 []
  • 2004폐병소의 CT 투시영상 유도하 경피적 자동총 생검율과 기흉 발생에 영향을 미치는 요소 []
  • 2004혈관 색전술의 위험성이 높은 폐동정맥 기흉의 수술적 절제 []
  • 2004폐결핵으로 오인된 폐흡충증 1례 []
  • 2004위아전 절제술후 나타나는 담도 확장의 빈도및 관련인자에 대한 연구 []
  • 2004Erdheim-Chester병의 비특이성 발현:1예 보고 []
  • 200416절편 다검출기 CT를 이용한 가상 현실 기관지 내시경 영상의 유용성 []
 조영준 교수님