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전문분야 폐암, 치료적기관지내시경, 만성폐쇄성폐질환, 결핵

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학력 및 경력


  • 2003.03~2005.02 경북대학교 대학원 의학과 박사
  • 1997.03~1999.02 경북대학교 의학과 석사
  • 1989.03~1995.02 경북대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2024.01~현재 건양대학교의료원 의생명연구원 첨단재생의료센터장
  • 2024.01~현재 건양대학교병원 내과계중환자실장
  • 현재 건양대학교병원 호흡기·알레르기 내과 교수
  • 2022.03~2023.12 건양대학교병원 내과부장
  • 건양대학교병원 호흡기·알레르기 내과장
  • 2003.05~2004.02 경북대학교병원 호흡기내과 임상전문의
  • 2000.04~2002.04 울진보건의료원 내과 과장
  • 1996.03~2000.02 경북대병원 내과 전공의
  • 1995.03~1996.02 경북대병원 인턴


  • 대한폐암학회 우수 논문상 수상
  • 2002.05~2003.04 대한결핵협회 경상북도 결핵관리의사


  • 2023.03Regulating POLR3G by MicroRNA-26a-5p as a promising therapeutic targetof lung cancer stemness and chemosensitivity [Non-coding RNA research.]
  • 2023.02Correlates of burnout among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea [Scientific reports]
  • 2022.06Effects and Mechanism of Particulate Matter on Tendon Healing Based on Integrated Analysis of DNA Methylation and RNA Sequencing Data in a Rat Model [International Journal of Molecular Sciences]
  • 2022.02Workload of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Korea: A Nationwide Survey [Journal of Korean medical science.]
  • 2021.01LncRNA LINC00240 suppresses invasion and migration in non-small cell lung cancer by sponging miR-7-5p [BMC CANCER]
  • 2021.01Analysis of Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) Induced by Exposure to PM10 in Lung Epithelial Cells Using Whole Genome Sequencing [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC H]
  • 2020.12MicroRNA-7-5p′s role in the O-GlcNAcylation and cancer metabolism [Non-coding RNA Research]
  • 2020.12Particulate matter less than 10?μm (PM10) activates cancer related genes in lung epithelial cells [Inhalation Toxicology]
  • 2020.11Clinicopathological correlation of PD-L1 and TET1 expression withtumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in non-small cell lung cancer [Pathology - Research and Practice]
  • 2020.02M1 macrophage dependent-p53 regulates the intracellular survival of mycobacteria [Apoptosis]
  • 2019.03SIRT3 promotes antimycobacterial defenses by coordinating mitochondrial and autophagic functions [Autophagy]
  • 2019.02Protecting Postextubation Respiratory Failure and Reintubation by High-Flow Nasal Cannula Compared 60 to Low-Flow Oxygen System: Single Center Retrospective Study and Literature Review [Acute and Critical Care]
  • 2018.10microRNA 181a-5p Reprogramed Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Non- SmallCell Lung Cancer [Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Oncology]
  • 2018.07PCDHGA12 methylation biomarker in bronchial washing specimens as an adjunctive diagnostic tool to bronchoscopy in lung cancer [ONCOLOGY LETTERS]
  • 2017.12Double primary lung adenocarcinoma diagnosed by epidermal growth factor receptor mutation status [Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine]
  • 2017.11Healthcare worker infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Korea, 2015 [Epidemiology and health]
  • 2017.03Treatment of Adenoviral Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Using Cidofovir With Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation [JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE]
  • 2017.03Overexpression of microRNA-196b Accelerates Invasiveness of Cancer Cells in Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Through Regulation of Homeobox A9. [CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS]
  • 2017.02MIR144* inhibits antimicrobial responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human monocytes and macrophages by targeting the autophagy protein DRAM2. [AUTOPHAGY]
  • 2017.02Lung cancer specialist physicians' attitudes towards e-cigarettes: A nationwide survey [PLOS ONE]
  • 2017.01Combined Effect of Metastasis-Related MicroRNA, miR-34 and miR-124 Family, Methylation on Prognosis of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. [CLINICAL LUNG CANCER]
  • 2016.12Homeobox A9 directly targeted by miR-196b regulates aggressiveness through nuclear Factor-kappa B activity in non-small cell lung cancer cells. [MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS]
  • 2016.11High-dose Sulbactam Treatment for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii [The Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine]
  • 2016.03A genetic variation in microRNA target site of ETS2 is associated with clinical outcomes of paclitaxel-cisplatin chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. [ONCOTARGET]
  • 2016.02The pri-let-7a-2 rs1143770C>T is associated with prognosis of surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer [GENE]
  • 2015.10MicroRNA-146a inhibits epithelial mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancer by targeting insulin receptor substrate 2 [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY]
  • 2015.10A 45-Year-Old Man With Recurrent Dyspnea and Hemoptysis during Exercise: Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage/Edema [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2015.06A genetic variation in microRNA target site of KRT81 gene is associated with survival in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer [ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY]
  • 2015.05Differential MicroRNA Expression Profiles in Primaryand Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer [ANTICANCER RESEARCH]
  • 2014.02.01Clinical characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer patients who experienced acquired resistance during gefitinib treatment [ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD]
  • 2014.02Clinical characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer patients who experienced acquired resistance during gefitinib treatment [LUNG CANCER]
  • 2013.10A common polymorphism in pre-microRNA-146a is associated with lung cancer risk in a Korean population [GENE]
  • 2013.08Tracheal Stenosis after Tracheostomy Treated Successfully with Papillotome Electrocautery [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2013.07Histone deacetylase 4 mediates SMAD family member 4 deacetylation and induces 5-fluorouracil resistance in breast cancer cells [ONCOLOGY REPORTS]
  • 2013.03Association between Genetic Variants in Pre-MicroRNAs and Survival of Early-Stage NSCLC [JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY]
  • 2013.02Successful Removal of Endobronchial Lipoma by Flexible Bronchoscopy Using Electrosurgical Snare [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2012.10Year-in-Review of Lung Cancer [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2012.07Promoter Methylation of CDKN2A, RARβ, and RASSF1A in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: Quantitative Evaluation Using Pyrosequencing [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2012.03Quantitative PCR for etiologic diagnosis of MRSA pneumonia in intensive care unit [Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases]
  • 2011Combining microRNA-449a/b with a HDAC inhibitor has a synergistic effect on growth arrest in lung cancer [Lung cancer]
  • 2011microRNA-99b acts as a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer by directly targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 [EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE]
  • 2011Mycobacterium abscessus activates the NLRP3 inflammasome via Dectin-1-Syk and p62/SQSTM1. [Immunol Cell Biol.]
  • 2011Genome-wide combination profiling of DNA copy number and methylation for deciphering biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer patients. [Cancer Lett]
  • 2011TGF-b1으로 자극한 사람중피세포주에서 조직플라스마노겐 활성제가 미치는 영향 [Tuberculosis and Respiratory disease]
  • 2011MicroRNA-23a: A Novel Serum Based Diagnostic Biomarker for Lung Adenocarcinoma [Tuberc Respir Dis]
  • 2011microRNA-101 inhibits lung cancer invasion through the regulation of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 [Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine]
  • 2011Promoter hypermethylation of the CFTR gene and clinical/pathological features associated with non-small cell lung cancer [Respirology]
  • 2010Copy number variations of chromosome 17p13.1 might be linked to high risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers [Mol bio rep]
  • 2010Mycobacterial lipoprotein activates autophagy via TLR2/1/CD14 and a functional vitamin D receptor signalling [Cell Microbiol]
  • 2010Comprehensive analysis of DNA repair gene polymorphisms and survival in patients with early stage non-small-cell lung cancer [cancer sci]
  • 2010Association of a Common AGO1 Variant With Lung Cancer Risk: A Two-StageCase?ontrol Study [MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS]
  • 2010TP53 mutations in Korean patients with non-small cell lung cancer []
  • 2010CysA2: A candidate serodiagnostic marker for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection []
  • 2009Nitric Oxide Synthesis is Modulated by 1,25-DihydroxyvitaminD3 and Interferon-γ in Human Macrophages after Mycobacterial Infection []
  • 2009MicroRNA Expression Profiles in Korean Non-Small Cell Lung []
  • 2009만성 폐쇄성폐질환의 폐기능 검사와 운동 검사의 비교 []
  • 2009Successful embolization in the patient with hemoptysis due to right inferior phrenic artery-pulmonary artery anastomosis and pseudoaneurysm []
  • 2009A case of miliary tuberculosis misdignosed as pneumonia and ARDS due to transient improvement after intravenous injection of levofloxacin []
  • 2009The predictors of airflow limitation in the patients with post-tuberculous destroyed lung []
  • 2009tPA decreases secretion of collagen by doxycycline and TGF-b in methothelial cell line []
  • 2009The extent involved of CAP is not different in subsidence of fever []
  • 2009MicroRNA-101 inhibits lung cancer invasion through regulation of EZH2 []
  • 2008Identification of DNA Methylation Markers for NSCLC Using Hpall-Mspl Methylation Microarray []
  • 2008Expression and regulation of the CC-chemokine ligand 20 during human tuberculosis []
  • 2008Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis using MTB12 and 38-kDa antigens. []
  • 2008Differential cytokine levels and immunoreactivities against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens between tuberculous and malignant effusions []
  • 2008ASK1-p38 MAPK-p47phox activation is essential for inflammatory responses during tuberculosis via TLR2-ROS signalling []
  • 2007Efficacy and safety of weekly low dose paclitaxel and cisplatin as first line therapy in advanced NSCLC of elderly patients []
  • 2007Polymorphisms of interleukin-10 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha genes are associated with newly diagnosed and recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis. []
  • 2006"기관지내시경상 이상병변을 보이는 환자에게 있어 Thinprep 검사법과 기존세포검사법의 효율성 및 요용성에 대한 비교 [결핵 및 호흡기학회]
  • 2006Ex vivo responses for interferon-gamma and proinflammatory cytokine secretion to low-molecular-weight antigen MTB12 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during human tuberculosis. [Scand J Immunol.]
  • 2006"The mycobacterial 38-kilodalton glycolipoprotein antigen activates the [Infect Immun]
  • 2006Polymorphisms in the caspase-8 gene and the risk of lung cancer [Genetics Cytogenetics]
  • 2006MDR1 polymorphisms predict the response to Etoposide-Cisplatin combination chemotherarpy in small cell lung cancer ["Japanese Journal]
  • 2006"O6-Alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferase Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Lung Cancer [Molecular Carcinogenesis]
  • 2006"Relationship between cyclooxygenase 8473T>C polymorphism and the risk of lung cancer: a case-control study [BMC cancer]
  • 2006내과적 흉강경 검사의 안정성 ["제 103차 대한 결핵 및 호흡기학회]
  • 2006"Ex vivo responses for interferon-gamma and proinflammatory  [기초의학 학술대회]
  • 2006"Inducible Nitric Oxide sythesis during human tuberculosis is modulated by cholecaciferol and interferon gamma [기초의학 학술대회]
  • 2006"A key role of inducible nitric oxide modulated by cholecalciferol and interferon-r in human macrophages through TLR-2 dependent pathways. [53rd Annual Autumn Conference of Korean Association of mmuno]
  • 2006Up-regulation of Chemokine ligand 20 in human tuberculosis [2006 International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Micro]
  • 2006"Reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of ASK1-p38 MAPK Pathways is required for proinflammatory responses to the mycobacterial PPD antigen. [2006 International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Micro]
  • 2006"Identification of DNA Methylation Markers for NSCLC and Adjacent Normal Lung Tissue Using HpaⅡ-Mspl Methylation Chip. ["제 103차 대한 결핵 및 호흡기학회]
  • 2006다발성 폐동공을 형성 베치트병 1예 [결핵 및 호흡기학회]
  • 2006"단순 피부병변으로 건과되어 급성 호흡곤란 증후군으로 진행진 쯔쯔가무시병 1예 [결핵 및 호흡기학회]
  • 2003성인 익수 손상의 임상적 특성 [결핵 및 호흡기 질환]
  • 2003The GSTT1 Genotype as A Marker for Susceptibility to Lung Cnacer in korean female Never-Smokers [결핵 및 호흡기 질환]
  • 2000Microsatellite alteration in istologically normal lung tissue of patients with non-small cell lung cancer [ELSEVIER]
  • 2000Impect of abnormal uptakes in bone scan on the prognosis of patients with ling cancer [ELSEVIER]
  • 1999폐암의 임상양상의 변화 [대한암학회지]
  • 1999중심형 폐암 진단을 위한 기관지찰과술과 기관지세척술 [결핵 및 호흡기 질환]
  • 1999폐의 유상피성 혈관내피종 1예 [결핵 및 호흡기 질환]
  • 1999면역체계가 Retroviral Vector로 이입한 Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine kinase 유전자 치료에 미치는 영향 [결핵 및 호흡기 질환]
 손지웅 교수님