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 이민혁 증명사진 교수님

호흡기내과 이민혁 교수

환자의 마음을 따뜻하게 어루만지는 의사

전문분야 폐암, 간질성 폐질환, 일반 호흡기 질환

의료진/진료일정 - 월,화,수,목,금,토,일로 구성된 표입니다.
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학력 및 경력


  • 2016.03~2018.02 건양대학교 의학과 석사
  • 2007.03~2013.02 건양대학교 의학과 학사


  • 2023.03~현재 건양대학교병원 호흡기·알레르기내과 조교수
  • 2021.05~2023.02 건양대학교병원 호흡기·알레르기내과 임상강사
  • 육국 군의관
  • 건양대학교병원 레지던트
  • 건양대학교병원 인턴



  • 2024Identification and validation of PCDHGA12 and PRRx1 methylation for detecting lung cancer in bronchial washing sample [Oncology letters]
  • 2023.03Regulating POLR3G by MicroRNA-26a-5p as a promising therapeutic target of lung cancer stemness and chemosensitivity [Noncoding RNA Res.]
  • 2022Effects and Mechanism of Particulate Matter on Tendon Healing Based on Integrated Analysis of DNA Methylation and RNA Sequencing Data in a Rat Model [International Journal of Molecular Sciences]
  • 2019Protecting Postextubation Respiratory Failure and Reintubation by High-Flow Nasal Cannula Compared to Low-Flow Oxygen System: Single Center Retrospective Study and Literature Review [Acute and Critical Care]
  • 2017Treatment of Adenoviral Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Using Cidofovir with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Case Series and Literature Review [Journal of Intensive Care Medicine]
  • 2017Double primary lung adenocarcinoma diagnosed by epidermal growth factor receptor mutation status [Yeungnam Univ J Med]
  • 2017HELLP syndrome in a pregnant patient with Gitelman syndrome [Kidney Res Clin Pract]
  • 2015A 45-Year-Old Man With Recurrent Dyspnea and Hemoptysis during Exercise: Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage/Edema [Tuberc Respir Dis]
  • 2011Copy number variations of chromosome 17p13.1 might be linked to high risk of lung cancer in heavy smokers [Molecular Biology Reports]
 이민혁 교수님