University of California SanDiego 비뇨기과 연수 (2012.7.~2013.7)
신촌 세브란스병원 비뇨기과 파견연수
2021.03What Is Fecal Incontinence That Urologists Need to Know?
2020.11A multicenter prospective study for overactive bladder patient treatment satisfaction with mirabegron after being unsatisfied with antimuscarinic therapy (FAVOR study)
2019.03Characteristics of inappropriate multiple medication use in older urological outpatients
[Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics]
2017.07Management of urinary tract infection in geriatric hospital patients
[Journal of the Korean Medical Association]
2016.06Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Efficacy of Anticholinergic Drugs in Patients Remaining Disease-Free After Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy.
2015.10Increased Expression of Neuregulin 1 and erbB2 Tyrosine Kinase in the Bladder of Rats With Cyclophosphamide-Induced Interstitial Cystitis
2015.10Distribution of ureteral stones and factors affecting their location and expulsion in patients with renal colic
[Korean Journal of Urology]
2014.03.01Clinical outcomes of CyberKnife radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients: Short-term, single-center experience
[Korean Urological Association]
2014.03Clinical outcomes of CyberKnife radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients: Short-term, single-center experience
[Korean Journal of Urology]
2012.04Comparison of clinical efficacy of finasteride and dutasteride as 5-alpha reductase inhibitor
2012.04Laparoscopic Ureterolithotomy for Upper Ureter Stone with Some Modified Surgical Tips
2012Analyzing effect of distance from skin to stone by computed tomography scan on extracoporeal shock wave lithotripsy stone-free rate of renal stone
[대한비뇨기과 학회지]
2011Efficacy of anticholinergics for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome in young and middle-aged patients: A single-blinded, prospective, multi-center study
[International Neurourological Journal]
2010Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase and Aquaporin-3 in Cyclophosphamide Treated Rat Bladder
[International Neurourol Journal]
2010Analysis of Initial Baseline Clinical Parameters and Treatment Strategy Associated with Medication Failure in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Korea
[International Neurourology Journal]
2010Nationwide survey to evaluate the prevalence of varicoceles in South Korean middle school boys: A population based study
2009전립선암에 대한 사이버나이프 방사선 치료 초기경험
2009Longer AC repeats in 5alpha-steroid reductase type III are associated with increased benign prostatic hyperplasia risk
2009전립선비대증에서 5알파환원효소억제제(Finasteride)가 미세혈관밀도, 혈관내피세포성장인자 및 5알파환원효소의 발현에 미치는 영향
2008경요도전립선절제술을 시행받은 환자에서 방광출구폐색이 저장증상 호전에 미치는 영향
20085 알파환원효소억제제 (Finasteride)가 경요도전립선절제술 중의 출혈에 미치는 영향
2007요관 원발성평활근 육종
2007경요도전립선절제술 후 농뇨 지속시간에 관한 연구
2007급성신우신염 환자의 다기관 특성비교
2006"Combind effect of a-blocker & 5a-reducture inhibitor on TGF-1 & COX-2 expression in BPH
["society of international]
2006전립선비대증에 동반된 전립선 결석이 있을 때 치료효과
2006수술전 5-a 환원효소억제제 복용여부가 실혈에 미치는 영향
2006전립선비대증으로 인한 급성요폐환자에서 술전 요역동학 검사가 필요한가
2006뒤늦게 발견된 폐쇄공경로를 이용한 요실금 수술에서의 방광천공
2006Iris-TOT를 이용한 여성복압성요실금 수술의 조기 경험
2006전립선 특이항원 음성 전이성 전립선암
2006신세포암의 추적관찰
2006전립선비대증 환자에서 5알파환원 효소억제제가 TGF-B에 미치는 영향
2005여성복압성요실금 환자에서 TVT의 초기 수술결과
2005The clinical significance of serum c-reactive protein levels below 2mg/dl, as an objective parameter